Thursday, February 6, 2014

It Takes Place There!!

What happens when you come out your prayer closet. What happens when you have spent time with God? 
Do you feel different or do you just do it because others are doing it, or just because? 
Something must happen when you spend time with the God. 
It doesn't matter where you pray or when you pray, we pray because we feel the need to and we want change, a miracle, either for ourselves or for someone in need. 
David says: "Splendor and majesty are before Him; strength and beauty takes place in the sanctuary" Psalm 95:6
Beauty takes place in the sanctuary. David knew what he's talking about. He had so many battles and I can tell you, not one person in my life time can say they don't have any challenges. We pray because we long for something to happen. Jesus was tested in every way, and how did He overcome all those tests? He spent it with the Father in prayer. 
Don't be afraid to speak to God, He Himself will deliver you but you have to call on Him. 
Lord, teach me Your way, and I will walk your way. Give me an undivided heart to fear Your name.(Psalm 86:11)In Jesus name. Amen

Saturday, February 1, 2014

She Got up!

January 2014 has been a challenging month. I said to myself, "I have nothing to write about", but God was actually preparing for the month of February and the months to come. I have so much to write about and the one thing I can write with boldness and much assurance, is that GOD IS GOOG ANG GOD IS FAITHFUL.
Through all the challenges, God has never left my side. I Am still standing.
Whatever I've been through, I see God's hand in it. Whatever I've lost, I see God's hand in it. Praise God!...whatever I've gained, God gets all the glory.
I Am excited for 2014. I know what this year means to God. He wants all of me. God looks at me as this perfect girl, because He created me and He created me for His pleasure. I stumble and fail God so many times, but He picks me up and draws me close with so much compassion forgets how I disappointed Him.
That is my desire, to never remind any person of their faults, and as a friend of mine declares the year 2014 (To let love be your motivation). does not matter who did what to who, I want to be the believing wife, mother, friend and sister who prays for everyone and for all things without ceasing just as Jesus did.
Jesus said in Luke 22 "Simon(Leslene), Simon!(Leslene) Listen! Satan has received permission to test all of you, to separate the good from the bad, as a farmer separates the wheat from the chaff. But I have prayed for you Simon(Leslene), that your faith will not fail."
Satan still gets permission today to test us, but Jesus intercedes for us. That is so comforting. I'm not alone in any battle. I have to stand firm, because Christ has liberated me in to freedom and I shouldn't fall back in to a yoke of slavery, and when the enemy comes in like a flood, The Holy Spirit will raise that standard, but my faith should not fail.
I'm trusting God for so much and I know He is rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
From a portion of the book I'm busy writing:
She Lives In Relationship with Herself
"Every day she strives to live with herself on both the spiritual and physical levels. She realises that God is concerned about her total personhood."
And she discovers: I Am She!
My encouragement to you, be strong, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord.
In His Love
I Am She!

Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...