Saturday, December 30, 2017


HOW? This question always remains. This remains active as long as you shall live.
How do you bless people who doesn't want to be blessed?
How do you help people who makes it very clear that they don't want to be helped? They can do it all on their own.
How do you love people who doesn't know what love is, who doesn't know how to love back and who DOES NOT want to be loved?

Do you just decide to not do anything for or do you almost like force your way?
This is so tiring. It takes every bit of energy you have spent on them and they just throw it back in your face. But what do you do then? In my experience, I've leaned to be available when they do need your help. Be present when they do need love. It takes every bit of humility not to throw their actions towards you back in their faces.
I suppose this is called being a blessing, loving with the love of God and caring for them without counting the cost.
This year 2017 is almost done and who on this earth wants to go into 2018 dealing with the same issues. We have a decision to make.
I have two answers for us today.
Instead of asking WHY do I have to deal with shot like this? Why not keep on asking the question, HOW can I change this? Or HOW can I deal with this?
The answer will come.

Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...