Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Does this reflect a person that love themselves?


The fact that you're still alive and on this earth even though it's been challenging and rough and sometimes you get discouraged and uninspired to keep going. 

GOD HAS A PLAN! You will grow through what you grow through. 

Everything that you're going through at some point makes no sense to you right now but at some point God is gonna reveal to you why all of these issues, challenges and problems continue to show up, and what you're suppose to learn from it. 

Again, you will grow through what you go through. 

Just because you go to sleep at night doesn't mean you're resting. You close your eyes at night and you're asleep physically doesn't mean that you're actually resting. And the reason you don't rest is because everything and everybody is and around your life is so full of issues, problems, insecurities, disfunction, negativity, your mind and your spirit is in constant turmoil. Issues, problems, arguments, yelling, all of this shit is going on... All day, everyday! So when you go to sleep at night you're not resting. 

A lot of people would say, "I love myself" Do you really love yourself? Are these things that you're doing and the people you're hanging out with, the places and circles you're travelling in, does that reflect the person that actually love themselves? If you love yourself, why would you choose to associate with those type of people? You know what they saying behind your back. You know exactly how they operate. They know you have so much going for you yet you know how they pretend to be on your side. You know how they pretend to like you and they've made it crystal clear by sending you every sign imaginable that they could possibly send you. Because you're so desperate to have people in your life, you continue to go back. You continue to show up to everything they invite you to KNOWING WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT YOU. 

Don't get me wrong. I'm not preaching separatism. I don't want a bunch of people to just be alone at home doing nothing with no friends and no family and nothing to do. I'm saying that at his point you are old enough and mature enough to understand the difference between good people and bad people. And when you're hanging out with negative, dark and dysfunctional people, you cannot expect yourself to go to sleep at night and rest. You cannot expect yourself to feel good about your day when you're including negative and dysfunctional people in your day. 

So what you grew up together!

So what you're childhood friends!

So what they're family!

We have a responsibility to walk in the direction of peace. I wanna laugh. I wanna smile. I wanna enjoy myself. I actually wanna feel good about the people that are around me. You have that as a choice. You actually do. You don't wake up in the morning and negativity, disfunction, problems and issues just randomly pop up. These are the people that you have decide to include in your life. So the outcome of your day, your hour, your minute, your week, your month, your year is always draining, always dysfunctional and always crazy because these are the type of people you decided to include. 

I'm talking to somebody. You don't love yourself. You can't say that you love yourself when continue to do what you do where these people are concerned. They're threatened, They're insecure. They have a problem with you but you don't even have a problem with them. They try and make you feel bad about you being blessed. They laugh about it, but they're throwing subluminal and very direct messages at you. They're jealous, they're envious, they're insecure, they're threatened by the idea that you're coming up in your life, your career and your life is advancing. 

God put people in your life for a reason, others are there for a season... and it's important that you recognize when people's seasons are over. IS THE SEASON OVER?

Again,... God put people in your life for a reason and others are there for a season. Is the season over or have you decides because you just need validation and all this shit and people and things around you? You decided to drag these random people into your the new season of your life. 

You have a boat and your boat is at capacity. In order for your boat to not sink and go under water, that could be your life, your personal life, your career, your relationship. Is that relationship over? Do you feel mentally, spiritually and emotionally stimulated in tis relationship?

Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...