Friday, June 3, 2022

All the days

"And in this I give advice: It is to your advantage not..." 1Cor. 8:10
There was a time in my life, I felt very insecure about myself. I was told, I'm being crazy because I'm perfect the way I am. For me that was never good enough, especially when it came hair.

I used to wear my hair straight, and it was a massive head ache for me, always looking or waiting on someone to blow dry my hair. If that person was not available, it felt Luke my world's just ended. It became a massive burden. 
Then there were the days I would decide to make my hair frizzy and when I got tired of that I would just tie it up. A few days in with tied up hair, it would then be Me against a nagging headache. What does a girl have to do to make herself love something about herself. If there's one thing liked about myself most days, it would be my hair, but only on most days. Not all, just most. #heheheheee 
The thing is, at some point I had to get to some level of loving my hair, myself and everything about me. So now, you are at this point where you finally made a decision, that I actually love my frizzy hair more than having it blowed out. I personally don't use expensive hair products, coz it doesn't work for me. I decided that it will embrace my natural hair, no matter what. And this "no matter what" doesn't just include my and my feelings about it, IT INCLUDES YOU as well. You who walk pass me some days and feel my hair is too messy for your liking and would feel you want to blowdry it, you would even do it for free. 
My point to all of this madness is, I DO NOT need your aaawhs and your oooohs, on the days my frizzy hair looks lovely, and on the days that my hair look hideous, I still will embrace my hair. It is called "back to me roots" It is my natural hair. 
This is the hairbinqas actually born with before I decided to mess it up with all kinds of chemicals, and you know what, some advice I got from hairdressers back then, "why do you want to struggle with your hair being so frizzy, there are lots of products on the market to fix these types of hair." Wow! What a shock to my system, NOW.
I know if I did not embrace my natural hair, it would always be a huge burden. But now I like my hair. I've always known I would one day go natural again, but i had to embrace the thought, coach myself and then do it. And now I am happily loving myself and my hair. 
Me being happy about naturally frizzy hair, whether it looks perfect today and a disaster tomorrow, should not be your burden. The Word of God says, it benefits me at the end of the day, because this is what I did for me. So whatever anyone's opinion or judgment toward me and my beautiful curly crown, it will never make me change my hair or my opinion about anyone deciding to go natural or straight. You do what benefits you and what you had to do to love yourself, your hair, or whatever parts on.your body. 
So with that being said,...
Be mature enough to accept her decision she made.
# Be mature enough to focus on yourself.
# Be mature enough to know when the battle is not yours to fight.
# Be mature enough to keep your judgements to yourself.
#IAMSHE Happy and free

Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...