Sunday, March 30, 2014

When a door closes

I have prayed and trusted God for so many things in my life and time after time I never received what I've prayed for.
I have tried so many things in my life, business ventures and it failed so many times. You hear people say, when you don't get what you've prayed for, it's not in God's plan for you. Well, it is actually true. God says in His word that when He opens a door no person can shut it and when He closes that door, no person can open it.
I am so encouraged! Yet again God shoes me that He is not man that He should lie. He gives us what we need in order for us to use it for His glory. We sometimes want to focus on so many things, jumping from pillar to post, forgetting what truly matters.
Be encouraged like I am today and don't ever be disappointed when any venture doesn't work out. Keep on trusting God.
In His Love

Monday, March 17, 2014

Your number one relationship - Angela Thomas

Relationships are extremely important in the life of every woman. And because woman are inclined to be sentimental, we are happy and fulfilled only when we have a successful relationship with someone. However, all other relationships in your life will fall into place only when you are in the right relationship with God. 
God is a jealous God who requires absolute faithfulness from you. 
Work on your relationship with God first; make absolutely certain that nothing else is gradually taking his place in your life. 
Then you can use God's guidelines to love the people in your life and care for them.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Do you think I'm Beautiful - Angela Thomas

The longing to be known as beautiful is part of our design as woman. God put is together this way on purpose. When no one notices you, we learn to pretend that it doesn't matter, to pretend that it's ok. It's not okay. You were made to be seen and known and loved deeply.
A season came for me when the pretending had to end. It was so completely put out with God for the canyon that existed between the life I wanted and the life I really lived. Mad that I wanted to be beautiful but had to live as if the desire were not mine.
Finally these words made their way into my journal: Oh, God, do You think I'm beautiful?
I once thought that my struggle was intensely personal, but now I know that it's intensely feminine. Every woman longs to know from the deepest places of her heart, 'Oh, God, do You think I'm beautiful?'
The deeper beauty I long for is about complete acceptance. 'God, do You see me flawed and sinful and still call me beautiful? Do You see the loneliness? Do You see me struggle? Do You see the unmet desires of my heart? Do You see me cry for time that is lost and the life I will not know? God, do You see me in all this mess and still think I'm beautiful?
Maybe all that really matters is what He thinks of me.
Then let these words embrace you with their truth: the God who slung the stars across the heavens....the same One who shaped the mountains and the valleys with the palm of his hand....the God whose very breath gives life...that God, the King, has always been taken with you.
In His Love

Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...