Monday, May 25, 2015

That Issue...

"My daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your trouble." Mark 5:34

- We continue to walk around year in and year out with that same issue, just like this woman with the issue of blood, and we choose to let Jesus pass by. She made a choice that no more will I continue to put myself through this suffering. Jesus is the only answer to rid her of all the issues that is weighing her down.
Are you one of these woman who year in and year out leans on her own understanding and takes advice from others who has never been in your situation? Jesus is waiting on you. He has never forced anyone to touch Him. He is waiting!
He is waiting for you to decide, it's time to let go. Be free of that issue once and for all.
"... Your faith has made you well."
In His Love

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