Monday, July 11, 2016

But yet I struggle

No matter how many victories God has won for matter how many times I came out on matter how many times I encourage someone else, and no matter how many times I have to make life changing decisions, I always seem to struggle to do what David did. He knew the power of the God he served. He didn't just know the God's strength, he knew God.
He was tiny but he was fierce. Yes I do believe he had all sorts of internal struggles, but when he's mind was made up, he achieved whatever goals he had.
It's not easy to just have a made up mind, especially when you put itout there for the world to see. I think that is our biggest down fall. You can never keep any idea or vision to yourself. There's always the need to tell someone instead of just trusting God and allow him to do the work.
Do you know, when you share all of your thoughts and dreams with with anyone, that they might not pray for your success? That's what I love about David. He came with food for his brothers and immdiately decided he can slay this giant. And he did, because he never doubted the power he possessed and he never doubted the one who will help him.

I am full of faith, but when it comes to actioning that faith, it's a huge struggle. There's always that bit of doubt creeping in. That bit of doubt can cause major problems. It will even cause you to lack in a big way. Today, I'm once again renewing and cultivating my faith in Christ. I don't ever want to lack in my life. When I lack, my household lack and the genearions to come will lack. I need to cultivate and allow myeslf to increase this measure given to me.
1 Samuel 19:5
"For he took his life in his hand and struck the Philistine, and the LORD brought about a great deliverance for all Israel; you saw it and rejoiced. Why then will you sin against innocent blood by putting David to death without a cause?"


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