Thursday, April 22, 2021

How much do you want it?


  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.

"we do have some freedom of choice"


  1. the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

"the shark thrashed its way to freedom"


I totally agree with number 1. We all need to speak up for ourselves and for each other. The Bible even says it in Proverbs 31:8 "Speak up for those who can't speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who need an advocate."

But then there's a different kind of freedom number two speaks of. I chose this freedom. This freedom can and will only come when you truly and desperately want it. When you've had enough of what life throws at you. When you've had enough of what people or social media throws at you.

This freedom can only be birthed in your soul. Deep within yourself, because you desperately seek for it. You want it so bad to the point where you realize that Jesus is the only ONE that can give it. It's already there, but it has to be activated. God's answer to loss of freedom has always been Jesus Christ. Jesus even says it;

'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim 
liberty to the captives
    and recovering of sight to the blind,
    to set at 
liberty those who are oppressed,
 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.'


We can be free from anything that enslaves us. The scary and absolute amazing things is, God gives us the freedom to choose our own path. We can do whatever we want. We can either stay captive (enslaved) or, we can be free which obviously still comes with challenges, but freedom is ours. We were created human beings and not robots and we don't have to accept the freedom He gives, however, with the state our lives and many things around us are in, it's best to choose the freedom He gives. It's a free will to accept or reject. Acceptance is better seeing that God gives it. We are so swamped with everyone's thoughts, opinions, our own self-hatred, and many others.

One things I know is, "'All things are lawful for me,'" but not all things are helpful. 'All things are lawful for me,' but I will not be dominated by anything" (1 Corinthians 6:12).

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Do Not Engage


So many fingers are pointed at people who really tries to be better. Who really tries to do what Jesus did, but we are just giving them a chance? Damn, we ourselves are not given a chance. It’s tough inside you, and it’s so tough out there. We want love, but we ourselves do not want to show love. We want people to stay but, we don’t want to stay a minute longer when the going gets tough. We want forgiveness, we actually expect forgiveness even though it’s undeserved but we refuse to forgive the one who really needs it. Some people cannot move on if they haven’t been forgiven by a person. It literally cuts them into pieces on the inside.

We want grace but just don’t want to be gracious to others and just continue to cast the stones. We have been betrayed by many on many occasions, and what do we do, we decide to fight back wit that same fire. Yes, I’m writing this but you know what, I’m struggling too. I’m struggling with all of the above and I thank God for GRACE.


If we want to be like Jesus, be the one that stays when everyone walks away.

Be the one who forgives, when it is undeserved.

Be the one to show grace when everyone else is casting stones.

Be the one to show love, even when they betray you, because that is what Jesus would do.

This solution is something to really work on. It will be very hard at first, because for many centuries this has been an ongoing struggle but believe me, it can be done.

Look at Paul the apostle. Persecutor of Christ followers, CHANGED FOREVER. Paul admits that the human nature is the one taking over and sin lives in it. (Romans 7:15-25 GNB)

The human nature also believes that the Law is right and forgets that Grace came. We are distracted by so many things. We want to take on too much and, we focus on everything others does. We cannot go one day without watching their statuses, their IG stories, their Facebook posts and we really get upset because what they put up their ruins our whole day and the story isn’t even about us personally. Some of the stories are though, experienced it myself many times, but what is the right thing for me to do? DO NOT view them then I won’t get upset. Our human nature is a massive problem. It rules us.

The human nature and the spiritual nature are like two dogs inside of us fighting. One must win. Who do you think wins? THE ONE WE FEED THE MOST! Many times, it’s the human nature. How can we stop this, DO NOT ENGAGE in the battle? You are absolutely right. Everything outside of our control weighs us down. Lay it aside. Shake it off. BE FREE. The child that angers you, the husband that angers you, that colleague that provokes you or who’s just angry at you for whatever reason you can’t think of, walk away.

My heart definitely feels lighter after this massive reminder. I hope you feel light?



Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Low but it will always be Me vs Me

It’s just the most horrible thing when people make you feel you are indebted to them. They did something for you when you had a great need, but you just can’t shake the feeling that you have to constantly be their slave. Let me tell you, they don’t remind you of it with their words, but that unspoken language(attitude) sure makes it very clear that somehow you have not settled your debt. Yeah we are human and we have those tendencies and I know when a person is trying their utmost to dispose of those ways, but my goodness, it’s for sure an ongoing thing.


I feel more that this post is not a lesson, but a complaint. A complaint to myself, just to get this out of my system, and putting it on paper sure feels like I’m releasing something.

You know the Bible tells me and continuously reminds me that I am no longer a slave especially to another human being. “Christ has liberated me into freedom. Therefore, I will not fall back into a yoke of slavery” Galatians 5:1, but yet I feel like a slave because I’m reminded of it.

It literally feels as if my heart is breaking inside my chest and I really want it to stop. One thing I know for sure is, that as long as I focus on their unspoken language, I will never experience the freedom that I'm meant to. 

I have to overcome yet again these emotions and move on. I'm reminding myself, we will always be human and we our selfish nature will always be there but, I hope and pray that when we experience someone else's pain because of our human nature, we will admit and learn that how we treat others is not what God wants. 


Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...