Wednesday, September 8, 2021

I now know how terrible it was for my life

I recently decided to take a break from social media. I took this break because I realized it's stealing my joy

It's a little hard because I still pick up my phone and click on the square icons just to realize I'm no longer logged in. It's quite disappointing to realize how addicted I was all these years. The urge is there still have the icons but decided to Uninstall it rather than keep it on my phone. Social media as I see it, is a bad habit. A habit I didn't want to have. I have so much more to offer myself and my family. 

I would like to think and pray that I have the willpower to beat this habit knowing it is a massive challenge. 

These social media apps really stole my joy. I allowed it to. I would see posts or I would post words that wasn't directed at anyone in particular, but it broke my heart because it was hurting people who I believe was not strong enough not to take it personally. 

That is the terrible effect social media has on people we love and care about. You look at people's posts and become envious. You start to doubt yourself, all the while knowing they put their best foot forward, especially on social media. 

Most people are not posting pictures of their dirty laundry piling up. Most people wouldn't post how their husband is beating them up. Most people wouldn't post how their toddler just swore at them or how their teenager just messed something up that you worked so hard for. (Although some would post it just for a good laugh). For the good part, some people post what they've achieved. Even though this is true, some would just rub it in others faces. This kind of thing, just stole so much of my joy. Therefore, a break is needed. Maybe even a permanent one. I have absolutely nothing against others who enjoys social media just like I did. But I made a choice, enough is definitely more than enough. 

Social Media, what bliss it was, until I allowed it to break my heart. 

Not only has it been blissful, but I have more time, way more time now. I'm tackling projects that I had been putting off because I “didn’t have enough time.”

I am living more in the moment. I truly concentrated on my children’s stories, and I hear clearly what's in their hearts. 

There's no phone in my hand!

I brainstorm more. I started writing again, and surely joy fills my heart. My blog posts are here, no more sharing it on Facebook or Instagram. Here, it will be found by whoever, when it's indeed needed. 

It’s like I've woken up.

Woken up from a social media coma, coming back to reality where I realized my life can and will be good again.

 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Phil.4:8

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