Sunday, October 30, 2022

Just Imagine....

Imagine God made decisions about you based on what He's heard from other people and not coming to you and ask you about it? And what makes it worse, he doesn't bring the ones he's heard the stories from to you, to confirm it it's true. 
To me, that says nothing about the one carrying a story about someone else to God, but it definitely says a lot about God and who he is. 
Would you want someone like that in your life if you knew that's the type of person God is? I sure wouldn't. 
But you know what? I thank God that he IS NOT the type of person who makes his decisions based on what others tell him. 
You approach God to find out what you did because you see him walking around with this stinking attitude towards you, because he's done so much for you and now he makes statement that you are his BIGGEST REGRET and he just wish he could take everything back. 
How do you feel after reading that?
My answer.
A stabbing feeling right up my spine and into my heart. That's exactly what I feel and I'm imagining, what if that was exactly how God is?

Thank goodness, he is merciful, gracious and ever-loving and he understands our sinful and fleshly nature. Whenever I judge a friend, or whomever, "he remembers that I am only human..." Psalm 79: 89
Just as the word of God communicates and is very clear of what our next step should be, we very often discard it and continue with our fleshly nature. 
My plea...
Communicate when someone has done something that bothers you or if you don't understand their actions. They might just apologize and learn. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Ooooe the pressure

Like seriously, it must be so tiring to be miserable one day, kind of happy the next, and then suddenly shockingly moody? 
We all have our problems, issues, etc but, come on man. Let's stop being miserable, angry or moody at the people who don't deserve those moods. 
You want to know why some people are miserable,  they have this massive expectation of others or things. So whatever your expectations are of people or things, it's best you lower them. You'll definitely be happier. 
Things, disappoint, and people definitely disappoint. 
The happiest people in know are always evaluating and improving themeselves. The unhappy, miserable, moody people are always evaluating and judging others. Do you perhaps fall into that category? 
When you are unhappy with someone or something no matter what they say or do to you, a no reaction from you is a good and mature thing, but what is the use of a no reaction if you're gonna walk around with that hatred or an unhappy face where everyone can see?
When you do decide to respond or react to whatever makes you miserable.... you better make sure you are ready and have all your ducks in a row. It might just hit you even harder. 
Do not let your tongue mention someone else's fault. You have faults to and others have tongues too. 
Maybe, just maybe... when you self examination will stop the pressure. 

Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...