Friday, November 29, 2013

The Feeling at the Conference

A week after the "I Am She" Conference and I'm still reflecting on the message God has given me months ago. I'm reflecting on the assignment I had and what God was going to do. While planning the conference, I had all sorts of feelings. Emotions were running high and I was anxious at times and I had so much joy. I knew this was an assignment straight from God.
I am busy writing a book and one of the chapters are:
"Her emotions are an integral part of her womanhood. She experiences intensely the joys of life. But at times she also experiences negative emotions such as sadness, despondency, or inferiority."
I discovered so many times that "I Am She". That is what I've experienced with this assignment, but not once has God left my side when others decided to withdraw their promises.
I thank God for those who left my side, it made me stronger because the ones who stayed saw what God wants to do.
One lady e-mailed me and said. This is not the exact word but I know what she meant. "Leslene, you are God's hand-maiden, called for a time as this. Don't abort this baby. The vision will be aborted prematurely and you will always wonder what God wanted to do."
Today, I am sitting here writing, I feel joy because I am glad I did not abort the assignment given to me. Hundreds of people didn't show up, but those who came was led by God knowing they will receive from God. People I've never met showed up and brought gifts to bless the ladies.
I am in awe of God's faithfulness when ugly words was thrown from the nay sayers. I had a desire, God birthed it for such a time as this. I carried it full term and God delivered as He promised.
Just like Hannah, I prayed when I experienced intense emotions. Just like Hannah I can say: "The Lord has filled my heart with joy; how happy I am because of what He has done. I laugh at my enemies; how joyful I am because God has helped me. 1Sam. 2:1
Never ever give up when God has called you to fulfil His Vision. He will never ever leave you.
I am so excited for "I Am She" 2014. I hope to see you there.
In His Love
A special thanks to my husband Marco, who supports me when God has spoken. Who adheres to every assignment. Who is strong when I feel weak. Who loves me just as Christ loves the church.
To my daughter Keachia-Leigh and my son Wade Joshua, who hurts when I hurt. Who reminds me of what God is saying when I go in the wrong direction. Who at this young age, knows that God has called them to be apart of this vision, and who never questions me when God speaks through me. Who follows when I say; "This is what God wants us to do. This is what God is saying."

Sent from my BlackBerry®

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