Sunday, February 8, 2015

This Joy....

This joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life. The quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be ok. And the determined choice to praise God in all things.

This joy that I have, the world didn't give it to me.
This joy that I have, the world can't take it away.
I am so filled with joy after this morning's service. "Vision Sunday" Totallyq Amazing!!
I have this assurance that God knows what I need and He is able to lead me through this season of my lifeq
God, you are #Amazing
In His Love

Friday, February 6, 2015

He Is There!

I am not worried, because my God is already there.
If tomorrow my cupboards should be empty, God is there to provide. If tomorrow I am not feeling like myself, God is there to help me renew my mind.
If tomorrow I am broken inside, God is there to restore me.
If tomorrow I am afraid of not having Jesus in my life, the Spirit of God is there to remind me of the cross.
Just as God feeds the birds, He will do the same for me.
Just as a child depends on his / parents for the future, so does God want us to depend on Him.

Lord, no matter how many times my attitude changes, You remain the same. Thank you Jesus. Father, I want to draw close to You like never before. Show me how. I want to do all things without complaining so that I cam be blameless in this perverse and wicked world. Teach me Lord in Jesus name. Amen

In His Love

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Chosen Lady

“To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in truth-and not only I, but also all who know the truth….” 2 John 1:1


I am writing this to myself and to those who knows without a doubt that they are chosen, and ESPECIALLY to the lady who feels there is no way she can be chosen.

The word elect means “CHOSEN” and if the word of God says those words, it means you are included. The lady that the word of God speaks of is not just any lady, it does not speak of her colour or race, but because she is part of the church. The Church is comprised of all people who believe that Jesus Christ is the Saviour who died for on the cross to bear the guilt and pay the penalty of their sin and conquered death.


Knowing this, NOW is the time to stop putting yourself down. NOW is the time that you rise up, put on that beautiful smile and say; “I Am Chosen.”

Don’t worry about being lonely, everything is going to be OK. Yes there are times you feel unwanted, believe me I know what it feels like, but look at the scripture. It says “To the lady chosen…”

That has to count for something? It will only spark something in you when you meditate on it and start believing it.

God wants the best for you and I. He wants us to move forward in life and not stay stuck, but it’s really up to you and make the shift. We can no longer go through the motions on a daily basis. Then we wonder why only certain people are moving forward. They made the shift and it started with their thoughts.

You are CHOSEN and that means there are great things about to happen. You might be going through a stressful or hurtful period in your life, but

Look what happened to David in the Bible. “David was greatly distressed,….but he encouraged(found strength) himself in the Lord.” 1 Samuel 30:6

Please don’t allow life’s battles to get to you. The battle is not yours. Don’t try to fight it on your own. Do what a child would do when things get tough, give it to mommy or daddy. Soooo, give your battle to God. If you don’t know how, contact someone you really trust or you can contact me.

God wants you well!!!

In His Love





Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Already There

Jamie Grace sings; "You lead, I'll follow. Your hands on my tomorrow…"

What an amazing song.

Whatever happens tomorrow, I am certain God is already there. He has it all covered. We really don't have to worry about tomorrow. I will stand on that Word God gave me. It comforts me in times of uncertainty. It strengthens me on days I feel I'm doing life alone.

I know what God has for me is so much more than what I see.

There are times when I wake up, I just don't want to get out of bed. I don't feel like facing the day and what I perceive it holds. That is the time the Holy Spirit comes and reminds me of the ONE Person who directs my steps. I sometimes feel I don't want to be the same person I was yesterday, because of the way I treated somebody or just the way I denied God instead of denying myself.

God is so gracious, that He gives me a brand new start every day and to do things better.


My prayer is that we will stay true to who God has created us to be. That we will seek Him daily, stay faithful and do our best to love. Trust God to lead and teach the way He knows best.


In His Love



Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...