Sunday, September 27, 2015

As Long As You Do

How often do you get so overwhelmed with joy to the point you cannot speak when your neighbor comes home with his own car. You know how they left their house early on a Saturday morning to do the shopping, then to come back with each child carrying a bag. You see the fatigue and the rush just to get inside the house and to rest from that long walk.
You know that feeling. You know that longing for your own car.
My neighbor came home not with the latest car on the market and definitely not with a brand new car, but with a car suitable for his family. Some might say "that is junk. Why spend money on that. Why not buy a new car first time?"
I'm saying, "It's not how you start, but how you finish." He has that awesome feeling of owning his first and the desire for the next one will be so big that he will eventually buy a brand new one.
We might not all have it together to start big, but as long as we start somewhere.
Oh man, his son was so excited for their car, he started washing it. That brought so much tears to my eyes.
Instead of us criticizing, why don't we celebrate, congratulate and show them we approve of their choice.
What happens when we live for Christ? God brings gifts of affection, compassion and love for others into our hearts, we cannot help but to be happy for others. Most importantly, we develop a willing to stick to God. We then find ourselves involved in loyal commitments and being happy for others then comes naturally.
In His Love

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Don't Curse The Answer

We've all asked God something. Either it's what we need, what we want or what we desire to achieve in life. So many times God has answered exactly what we want, need or desired.
But what happens when God answers exactly the opposite of your question?
Even though the Bible says you do not have because you do not ask, or ask and it will be given to you? This is what recently happened to me. I made my desire known to God for so long and He answered what I did not want. I was so angry, but surely I'm making peace with God's answer. I'm not there yet, but I know God understands me.
What I can say is, I didn't end up or I didn't choose to curse God's answer. I know that God Knows what's best for me and for my family. God's timing is perfect and He will grant my desire in His time and that is God's promise to me.
The actual point I want to make is; sometimes we curse the answer we receive in life, not realizing that it's not the answer that is at fault, but the question. I have that when we change the questions we ask, we surely will get the right and well deserved answers.

In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Saturday, September 12, 2015

It Gets So Much Easier

Growing up I haven't had the easiest life. Although my brother and sister would totally disagree with me regarding that statement. (**,). I would also say that they didn't have it easy although it seemed like they did.
My father was almost never at home(seaman), and my mom would always make a way for us to have food and a roof over our heads.
I never understood why things were the way they were, but I always knew things would get better some day.
I never for one minute thought that my mom was depending on God to make a way where all things seemed so impossible. We would always move around from one room in a house filled with people or to a house we could never really call our own. As a child I couldn't understand why my mom was so humble and In a way I saw her being the tail in various situations, but yet she stayed humble.
Today I'm a married woman with my own children and often I reflect on those days. I thank God for my childhood days. It made me so strong. I figured out who the person is who made my mom so strong. I figured out who the person is who taught my mom humility. I figured out who kept my alive when my mom went to work and I had to wait for her on a pavement. Today, I know that Jesus was the one my mom trusted with everything she had. She trusted Jesus with her life.
There are days I feel exactly how my mom felt when she had to do things that seemed impossible. Today I know Jesus and I can freely give all anxiety, burdens and that unworthy feeling to Him. He doesn't moan when I do and He even thanks me for doing so.
I have come to know Him. I have come to know myself because of Him, and I have come to know what He's passionate about. I want to know Him more every day and as I do, I love myself even more. It actually makes it easier to love those who curse, hate, judge and hurt themselves.
Love covers a multitude of sins.
In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


We all love to have friends. We all love hanging out and just enjoying ourselves, and that just sound and seems all good. But is it really all good?
From a very young age we learn about people automatically we find out, that is what we need in our lives. as you grow older it becomes more evident that you rely on those people to make you feel good not intentionally off course. This then becomes your weekend routine, or for some a daily one.
Do you think this is good for you?
You even begin to feel lonely when they not around. You feel empty because they bring purpose to your life. What about you? Do you bring purpose to your own life? How can you when you depend on others to do that for you? in your teen years, this happened and it's brought into your home your marriage and your children do the same thing.
Have you forgotten what you love to do or, have you ever tried to find out?
Do it today! Sit still for a few minutes and think to yourself. "WHAT DO I LIKE?" You'll be totally amazed. The moment that is established, you won't feel that loneliness anymore. There's one quote that is so dear to my heart. It helped me in so many ways. I hope it will shed some light of how you need to master this loneliness and truly find God's purpose for your life. "PURPOSE", what an amazing gift.
"Loneliness is not the absence of people in your life. Loneliness is the absence of purpose. Once you have purpose, the right people will follow.
People will rule and disrespect you when you come as the tail.
People will respect and imitate you when you come and establish your dominion gifted to you by Christ.
People will find their purpose through you when you are genuine and honest about who Christ says you are.
In His Love

Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...