Monday, August 16, 2021

Changing the way I think and act

You want to mess with me in the natural? Let me tell you what I'm gonna do. I will handle you in the Spirit. How draining is it to constantly fight with someone in the natural. You have to physically prepare yourself. You have to have your facts straight. Your argument can be turned against you at any time. You are so upset and all you want to do is just get your feelings and emotions across to this person and in the end, your whole argument is turned against you. 
God says:
"Our fight is not against people on earth but against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world’s darkness, against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world..." Ephesians 6:12

This is the only way we need to handle things. This for me is extremely hard, but if I want things to turn around in my favor, I have no choice but to handle you in the Spirit but, we have to go and take authority over those things or that someone that is messing with us in the natural.

What do we do? We pray. 
That is the weapon that disarms the darkness. When we pray, God releases visions that will guide and show us how to be gracious, merciful and still loving towards those who mess with us. 
We are in a time where so many of us are edgy, we suspect any person of anything. We are paranoid and it causes chaos. I can vouch for that. I have never in my entire life been so mentally challenged as I have been this year. My mental health has definitely affected my spiritual health. But you know what, God is more present in my life now than He has ever been. He was there all the time, but I took his presence for granted because I know He's just there. And I am extremely grateful. 

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