Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Superficial Spirituality versus Genuine Humility

Matthew 23 - Then Jesus addressed both the crowds and his disciples and said, “The religious scholars and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat[a] as the authorized interpreters of the Law. So listen and follow what they teach, but don’t do what they do, for they tell you one thing and do another. They tie on your backs an oppressive burden of religious obligations and insist that you carry them, but will never lift a finger to help ease your load. Everything they do is done for show and to be noticed by others. They want to be seen as holy, so they wear oversized prayer boxes on their arms and foreheads with Scriptures inside, and wear extra-long tassels on their outer garments.[b] They crave the seats of highest honor at banquets and in their meeting places. And how they love to be admired by men with their titles of respect, aspiring to be recognized in public and have others call them ‘Reverend.’[c]“But you are to be different from that. You are not to be called ‘master,’[d] for you have only one Master, and you are all brothers and sisters. And you are not to be addressed as ‘father,’[e] for you have one Father, who is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be addressed as ‘teacher,’[f] for you have one Teacher, the Anointed One.[g] 11 The greatest among you will be the one who always serves others. 12 Remember this: If you have a lofty opinion of yourself and seek to be honored, you will be humbled. But if you have a modest opinion of yourself and choose to humble yourself, you will be honored.”

This right here is exactly what the world (we as a people) are struggling with. We have too much to say about others. We're not looking within ourselves and decide that something is amiss, or we start to look but figure, this is too hard and just continue as it. This is the reason why relationships fail. This is the reason why marriages fail, and this is the reason why brothers and sister cannot get along. What a sad life we're living. We are in a pandemic for crying out loud. If I'm too quiet, then that's a problem. He/she is to quiet, that a problem. Give each person their space and if they feel like sharing, be available and most important be present. 

People are dying all around us every day. It's heartbreaking. 

BE PRESENT WITH GOD!! and let people be to deal until such time. 

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