Monday, February 14, 2022

Whither or Bloom?

Years ago Facebook had this game called Farmville, and everyone was obsessed with this game. I've tried playing it many times but just couldn't get pass a certain point....and I remember I was so fascinated with people mastering this game. 

There were a few people that were so good at this game, and they would harvest many crops...and I remember one of the beautiful ladies in my circle saying "Just as I'm growing my crops on this game and then harvesting, this is how my life grows, this is how I reap the fruits and rewards." 

and I remember how fascinated I was. Then one day, it hit me, I don't see much if not any growth in those people playing Farmville. I then questioned, how can our lives be compared to a game? Here's the thing, there are people out there so obsessed by playing games with others' lives and here being ignorant to this, you think it's so cool. My darling, Farmville was a game and there is no way you can ever or should ever compare your personal life to a game especially if you don't see any fruits in real life. However, one or two of those people have amazing visible and real fruits in their lives. And that is very inspiring. 

I finally gave up on desiring to play or master Farmville and tried to focus on my real personal life. It was quite a mess I tell you. 

Coming back to planting and harvesting... I wasn't even good at it in real life. I would plant and it just wouldn't grow. I was so frustrated. I soon realized, I needed to get my focus and mentality right. One major thing I realized is, when there is frustration, there cannot be manifestation. And when there are no manifestation, stagnation kicks in. This was the last place I wanted to be. In fact, this was a place I never wanted to but, there I was so deep in and didn't know how to get out. 

Then I was smacked in the face with a this quote "If a flower doesn't bloom, are you going to blame the flower for not blooming or are you going to fix the environment?" So, will you continue to blame others or just be patient with yourself while working on yourself?

I'm sitting here writing, thinking to myself how good I am with growing plants and flowers. Out of one plant, I have grown three beautiful other plants. I have several vegetables in my garden and I'm literally harvesting vegetables and herbs. I doubted my ability to do the things I thought I couldn't for a very long time. 

I had to grow mentally. I had to start loving myself again. I had to speak life in myself again. I had to change my mind again. AND NOW, I am ready to grow plants, herbs, vegetables and harvest them. 

And as she fell apart, her shattered pieces began to bloom, blossoming until she became herself exactly as she was meant to be. 

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