Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Then... Now

A general post of my thoughts but with so much meaning and definitely not to be taken lightly.

The year 1914 to 1921 Worls War 1 happened. World War 2 started in 1939 to 1945. At the end of the year 1918, the world was hit with a pandemic called the Spanish flu. It was so devastating. It also killed millions of people. And I'm sure before the Spanish flu, many people were struggling to get through life. 

100 years later, people are basically still recovering from that pandemic and here the world was struck by another pandemic, Covid-19. Still the world population just want to make it day by day.

Evey single day, semone dealing with some kind of persecution, advertising, or a hatred that is actually killing many. 

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

This is what the says but with all honestly, JOY is someday very far from my mind. It's not even on the agenda. I sometimes feel I just want to get through my days, be on my bed knowing tomorrow is another day but no matter what, we have to count it all joy. 

With all that's happening now whether in the world or my personal life, I 100% take comfort I this next scripture.

Eclesiastes 1:9 

What has happened before will happen again. What has been done before will be done again. There is nothing new in the whole world.

My friend, whether you're treated bad by family, friends, colleagues or when life just gets so difficult remember, this very issue will happen again. So my advise to us is, let us make sure we find joy through it all. Make sure you pass every test. Because the Bible says, it will happen again. 

When the trial does come, you will most definitely handle it better. 

Remember, when you have peace, you are in a position of power. 

The choice remains yours when that trial reoccur.

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