Monday, September 30, 2013

It has to leave your mouth

I was lying in bed, thinking about the “I Am She” Conference, wondering what God is up to. I just know that He has this amazing day all set out and doing something great for somebody on that day.
I was reading about the lady with the issue of blood and we all know the story of how she suffered all her life…how she spent all her money at various doctors…but still no healing. I this woman sitting with pain and suffering, taking all kinds of advice from others but nothing is working. After suffering for years, she hears about a man who can heal her and has this longing within her.
OMW, this Man is in town and she does everything in her power to get to Him.

She had to get up, out of her situation….and how did she do that? She made a decision. What happens when you make a decision, knowing what you decide is best for you. Not being worried what others will say?
This is what Mark 5:28 says:
For she said to herself, “If I can only touch His coat, I will be healed.”

When she told herself that this Man can heal her, she already received her healing. I believe it was not even necessary for her to touch Him, but she wanted to, to make it even more real.
I tell you today…Nothing leaves Heaven until the words leave your mouth. We cannot expect healing to come if we don’t declare it and believe it. The two most important voices in your life today it:
God’s voice and your voice. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. You have to hear yourself speak the Word. The woman with the issue of blood said to herself…..”IF I CAN ONLY TOUCH HIS COAT, I WILL BE HEALED.”
Yes, it’s not easy at times, but it is possible.

And you discover: I Am She!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Just like the widow

Have you ever paged through a magazine and wished that you could be one of the interesting, beautiful, and talented woman described in the article? You read about their thoughts and opinions, their taste and music, their favorite food, the books they love to read, their achievements, and how they manage to rise above difficult circumstances. You see the clothes they wear, the way they decorate their homes, and you delight in their lifestyle. And involuntarily you think: “This is the picture of perfection-I want to be like her.”

Let me ask you this:
Does the girl in the magazine have a close relationship with God?

Having a close relationship with God is the most important dimension of womanhood.
She lives in a unique faith relationship with God. She really loves the Lord and seeks his will for her life.

She loves the Lord very deeply; He is at the centre of her life.

As Jesus sat near the temple treasury, he watched the people as they dropped in their money. Many rich men dropped in a lot of money; then a poor widow came along and dropped in two little copper coins, worth about a penny. He called his disciples together and said to them, “I tell you this poor widow put more in the offering box than all the others. For the others put in what they had to spare of their riches; but she, poor as she is, put in all she had-she gave all she had to live on.” Matthew 12:41-44

And you discover: I Am She!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Who You Are: A Message To All Women

I dedicate this video to all the ladies in my life and the once who will be watching this. a friend sent it to me and I was just so in awe of God knowing He really thinks I Am AWESOME!!!
I totally received new revelation.
Don't ever doubt that God loves you.

In His love

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Take A Good Look - This Is SHE!!!!

Where do I start? If I should start at the waaaaaaaay back beginning, I would have to call in some people to share their story and their experience regarding this beautiful woman, Zenneline Louw. This is a true real life story of a girl who can say "I Am She"
Life has not been easy, but I see a woman who can say "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I had her in my life where we shared so many beautiful days and nights. heheheheee!! I have hurt her so many times and she has been so horribly hard on me(which I NOW see as a blessing).
I want to salute this woman for where she's been and where she's going.
If you think your life is hard and nothing will ever come right, let me tell you. This lady can utter the very same words and even worse, BUT she won't. She is so confident in the good work the Lord started within her and she knows He is able and willing to complete it. She has 3 daughters and I know there are times she fears that they will have the very hard life she had, but with God on her side she has the authority to cancel out all negative words ever spoken in their lives.
I salute her today because of the love she has for woman, men and the love she has for herself. She has her own Life Coaching Company called Evolution Coaching and she is good.

You see this picture of her, she represents her company. I see a King's daughter and she has been called for such a time as this. She has been called to stand in the gap for those who does not know how to pray. She has been called to love those who has never experienced the love of God. She has been called to rejoice with those who does not know how. She has been called to rejoice with those who are glad. She has been called to speak life when you don't know how. She has been called to teach the word of God when she is at her lowest and yet to rise with you when you are at your lowest. She has been called to refresh others and in turn she will be refreshed. With all that she's been through, she knows how to be humble, how to stand firm when all odds are against her. She knows how to encourage,,
My prayer today is that we will not just look at a pretty face and say "she does not know life". Let us see what God saw when David was chosen as King. God looks at the heart. Let us give honor where honor is due. Let us not be selfish and let us not judge the way I did more than a year ago when Zenneline Louw put me straight. Today, I have a friend back who has the mind and heart of Christ, who does not have it all rosie but trusts God in all that she does.

To Zenneline Louw:
"The King shall greatly desire your beauty. Worship Him, he is your Lord. The daughter of Tyre shall bring you a gift and the rich among the people shall desire your favor." Psalm 45:11-12
Never give up on your dreams, never give up on life. "Do not cast away your confidence, payday(reward) is coming. You have need of endurance and after you have done the will of God, you will receive the promise." Hebrews 10:35-36
I am challenged by what you have to offer. I am challenged because you live for Christ. I am challenged because you can say "I AM SHE!!"

In His love


What He has done for me is so amazing. The love he has for me, I cannot explain. All I know is I once was lost and now I'm found. I was blind but now I see; and I know he will do for you what He's done for me.
What an amazing song sung by Martha Munizzi and i can surely relate.
"..the Mighty one has done great things for me and holy is His name" Luke 1:49

Today, I stand victorious in Him. When I opened my eyes this morning I felt this huge sense of peace. I felt a newness about me and about my husband and as I felt that I knew whatever me and my husband feels will flow down to our kids. God clearly said that He wants to bless us and it will come forth very soon. Whatever we ask in His name will be established. Se today as a fresh new start. See today as the day whom God has ordained where someone will come in to your life with that blessing, but because you are holding on to old relationships it cannot happen. Some relationships should stay in the realm where you coming from. "Do not consider the old things. Behold, I will do anew thing. Now it shall come forth; do you know this? I will even make a road in the wilderness." Isaiah 43:18b-19.

God really wants to do a new thing in your life. I went on a ladies camp and I feel brand new. God has spoken. I've had that encounter with God, the one I called forth. No one could do for me what I longed for. It is only Him. I have the power within me to build and to destroy and so do you. You are where you are today because you made a decision. You are who you are today because you made a decision. If you don't like where you are at or who you've become, I would say "IT IS TIME YOU MAKE A DECISION."

Do you long for change? Today, I can say "I AM SHE" and I decided to change and SO CAN YOU.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Is the Proverbs 31 Woman For Real?

Have you ever wondered – “Who is this nameless, perfect woman that Solomon writes about in Proverbs 31? Is she for real?” The answer is “no” and “yes”. Let me explain.  Once upon a time there was a prince who would one day be a King. While he was young his mother wisely trained her son on how to find a virtuous wife. She went through the alphabet one letter at a time giving him attributes that he was to seek out in his future wife. Using the alphabet in this manner made it easier for her son to remember and even perhaps memorize what he was looking for in his dream wife. And thus, we have the writings of Proverbs 31 – except this is not a fairy tale! 

So is she for real? Does she have a name? No. Proverbs 31:1 says “The sayings of King Lemuel – an oracle his mother taught him…” and then verses 2-9 are instructions on how to be a Godly King. She taught him to be on guard against promiscuity and drunkenness and encouraged him to tend to the poor. Then in verses 10-31 she instructs him on how to find the perfect Godly wife – she has no name – just a superior character. 
But I must ask… would King Lemuel’s mother give him detailed instructions on what to look for in a wife if there were no women who could possibly have this kind of character? In verse 10 we will see that she is a rare treasure – but she does exist. Does that give you hope – or does it overwhelm you to even attempt to reach for such excellence?

“Let’s see… I do not like getting up while it is dark. I wouldn't know how to buy a field  or a vineyard. I like to go to sleep very early when possible. I can be quite lazy at times. I definitely couldn't even begin to patch a hole in my husband’s pants let alone actually sew some new creation. I wish every word out of my mouth was wise, but my husband can attest to my lack of common sense; and I am not always sure if my husband has full confidence in me. (Although if asked I am sure he would say, “Of course I do!”)”.

She said exactly what I was thinking the first time I read Proverbs 31! And I love her six conclusions from her study of the Proverbs 31 woman! Her post sparked something inside of me – and gave me a desire to begin a series here on my blog going verse by verse through Proverbs 31. I want to go one verse at a time,
one virtue at a time – and encourage you to master one verse and virtue at a time – with God’s help, it truly is possible for you to be her.

Thanks Courtney Joseph

Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...