Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It Can Be Overcome

" Burdened?" Absolutely

"Heaviness?" Definitely

These are the two words and feelings I can relate to some days but mostly at night. It's not issues and trials I'm battling with but those of others and I feel it weighing me down. God has called us to serve and in turn He serves us if we allow Him to.
Now, that is one invitation I will never refuse. I know what it is to carry burdens for days, months and years on end. I laid it at the cross, even the ones to come in Jesus name. – But there are people who doesn't  know how to lay it down. There are people who knows about Jesus, but all they can think of is, there's a God who punish people if they tell Him about their problems.
I believe that is where we come in. God wants us to serve others and teach them about this wonderful God who is really eager to listen to us. He wants to love on us and not want us to be afraid.
At the moment I feel burdened, heavy and cast down. I listen to people. They open up to me and in the process, trusts me with their issues. That is such a huge responsibility. When someone puts their trust in you, you are so cautious because of past mistakes and you feel that the enemy is testing you. – but today I am certain this is not the enemy, this is God wanting me to see that I can do it. This is God showing me that I can be trusted and the past is long gone.
God wants to free me of other people's burdens and He tells me it can and will only be overcome by prayer and fasting. God is yet again reminding me, it is not about me. It is not about what I want. I have a need to yet again take those burdens to Him by earnestly praying and fasting for those who trust me. He will turn it around for them. They will begin to see who the Burden Lifter is.
I am determined to hear you've had breakthrough. I am determined to see you walking and living life lighter. I am determined to let go of all burdens, give it to God by prayer and fasting, until I see  and experience breakthrough in all areas in my life. This is a birthing process, waiting to be delivered full term, by prayer and fasting that pleases God.
It is not about me. It's about the one who seeks change so desperately. Because they seek, they will find in Jesus name. "Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;...." Isaiah 58...

In His LovE

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