Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 1 - Remember?

Wow! How weird is this? Today, on this day one, you see this picture staring you right in your face reminding you of what someone did to you some time back. You tried so hard to forget about the incident and eventually manages to give it to God, and here you're reminded again.

What does this tell me? FASTING has never been and will never be easy especially when you're determined to see change.

I may have over reacted a bit when the reminder came, but that doesn't mean I should stop fasting. Repent and move along, being vigilant and mindful of the purpose. I believe through this morning's experience, God wants to teach me. He wants to show me what's gone should be forgotten at the cross, because that's where I laid it. "Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Matt. 11:29 NLT).

God is gentle and I should be too. Be mindful of how I felt during that situation and had I  not decided to walk away, where would I find myself today?

If this is day one for you as well, or it might even be day 21, stay focused. Breakthrough is here. Forget about the past, God is doing a new thing while you're fasting and it will be revealed throughout this journey.

 In His Love

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