Thursday, July 9, 2015

Restored and "Remembered by God"

In 2012 I wrote about a friend of mine having her second miscarriage in less than a year. What a sad moment. A moment no one understood and I guess some of us still don't and never will. I don't think I ever will. I've never been in that situation, but what I do know is that God made me feel something so intimate during that time, my friend and her family was grieving, I begged God to take the pain away.
There was a moment during all their pain, as if more that just a miscarriage was taking place. It was a time we all felt that the family was so torn apart, so divided, so unhealthy and so allowed by God. You almost wanted to blame God, but a mother and a father who felt the loss more than I did, more than you did, more than the people who knows them so intimately. The two of them decided to trust God more then ever. They refused to allow the enemy to use their grieve against them. This evening while watching them from a distance, I saw not a broken family, I saw not a perfect family, but what I saw was... A scripture on the wall... I saw Joel 2:23-25
"Be glad then, you children of Zion...For He has given you the former rain faithfully...So I will restore to you the years..." What an amazing scripture coming to life within me once again. Today three years later I saw a gift remembered by God given to a once broken family... "Restored and remembered by God."
A new baby boy. I couldn't hold him and I almost felt jealous when my husband and daughter could go near him. I wanted to push them out of the way because I was yearning inside to hold a child, a promise that God never forgot about, but I couldn't hold him, at least not yet. Soon baby soon... (**,) I saw the joy and I definitely felt the joy. There was so much boasting, not of arrogance but of what God has done. He is exalted through all of this. I am reminded of what Cindy Trimm wrote; "Remember, where there are no obstacles, there are no triumphs, and there is no story to tell."
This family has an amazing story to tell and believe me, at the right time and season, the world will hear and believe in the Almighty Christ Jesus.
Three years later I am saying, "Glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more then we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20
Go to the link below and read part 1 of this amazing story.
In His Love
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Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 3 - He Is On Line (My Shepherd)

This morning when I got to work, everything was offline. No one could clock in, no one could send out e-mails. The server along with everything else was off. Now I prepare myself for lots of phone calls from the different areas in the building. Just as I predicted, the calls started coming through, asking me what the problem is. I located the IT guys and while they trying to resolve the problem, I sent out an e-mail saying, they are busy resolving the problem. Now, I have a choice to be irritated by all the calls coming through, I can answer everyone's "WHY" and be irritated even more and send the e-mail to all users explaining myself only ones even though everyone doesn't have a pc or making use of the server.
Then I started looking at this whole scenario,  and should I have a problem in my personal life, I don't have to call people to sort it out. I have a God. He is the best problem solver. He is NEVER offline. He is ALWAYS available. I can COUNT on Him to NEVER let me down. You know what the problem is, why people don't go right away to God? They want to see a physical person standing in front of them. They walk by sight and not by faith. If God has sorted something out for you once, He can and will do it again.
I declare today:
The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. HE leads me to still waters. He restores my soul......When I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear, NO evil.
In His Love

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 2 - Endless Praise "Psalm 46:10"

How amazing is the moment you see the crash coming and God leads you to His word. The word you don't really want to read and meditate on. – But when you do meditate, you get that warm feeling inside you and every detail of God's word is revealed. "Revelation upon revelation."

How can I not feel like praising God. How can i not feel like going on. How can I allow my emotions to take over my whole day and the day has so many hours still left. Your own thoughts rages at you. You feel the responsibility of so many things just come caging in like a wall falling on you and covering you- BUT at the voice of God the earth itself melts. The Lord All-Powerful is with me. (v.7)

God brings wars to an end. That war inside you. This is the reason you have a need to fast. For this reason you have to hold on. So many who does not know Christ has placed their trust in you. Your children look up to you for that extra boost, and even your husband comes to a point where he sees that x-factor in you.

The only thing you can do is take God on His word – remind Him of it and wait. Your strength will be renewed. You will not faint nor grow weary, "Why?" – the word of God is your strength.

You have no choice but to "Calm down,  and learn that He is God"(Psalm 46:10), give Him that endless praise he so much desires.

In His Love

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 1 - Remember?

Wow! How weird is this? Today, on this day one, you see this picture staring you right in your face reminding you of what someone did to you some time back. You tried so hard to forget about the incident and eventually manages to give it to God, and here you're reminded again.

What does this tell me? FASTING has never been and will never be easy especially when you're determined to see change.

I may have over reacted a bit when the reminder came, but that doesn't mean I should stop fasting. Repent and move along, being vigilant and mindful of the purpose. I believe through this morning's experience, God wants to teach me. He wants to show me what's gone should be forgotten at the cross, because that's where I laid it. "Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Matt. 11:29 NLT).

God is gentle and I should be too. Be mindful of how I felt during that situation and had I  not decided to walk away, where would I find myself today?

If this is day one for you as well, or it might even be day 21, stay focused. Breakthrough is here. Forget about the past, God is doing a new thing while you're fasting and it will be revealed throughout this journey.

 In His Love

Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...