Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 3 - He Is On Line (My Shepherd)

This morning when I got to work, everything was offline. No one could clock in, no one could send out e-mails. The server along with everything else was off. Now I prepare myself for lots of phone calls from the different areas in the building. Just as I predicted, the calls started coming through, asking me what the problem is. I located the IT guys and while they trying to resolve the problem, I sent out an e-mail saying, they are busy resolving the problem. Now, I have a choice to be irritated by all the calls coming through, I can answer everyone's "WHY" and be irritated even more and send the e-mail to all users explaining myself only ones even though everyone doesn't have a pc or making use of the server.
Then I started looking at this whole scenario,  and should I have a problem in my personal life, I don't have to call people to sort it out. I have a God. He is the best problem solver. He is NEVER offline. He is ALWAYS available. I can COUNT on Him to NEVER let me down. You know what the problem is, why people don't go right away to God? They want to see a physical person standing in front of them. They walk by sight and not by faith. If God has sorted something out for you once, He can and will do it again.
I declare today:
The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. HE leads me to still waters. He restores my soul......When I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear, NO evil.
In His Love

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