Monday, January 19, 2015

Who comes to steal? - Day 17

"A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy..."
John 10:10

...And that thief is definitely not God. The only thing that's on the devil's mind, is for you to suffer. He pit so many things in your head and you are sometimes so ignorant to his devices.
When this happens, you have so much anger towards God- all because things didn't work out for you as you have planned. We have so much anger towards God and we have to blame Him for something. This is far more common than most of us care to admit, especially for those who have been abused, neglected, or deeply disappointed by others.
B laming God forces you into a corner with no way out, instead of you recognizing that God is the only way out.
Blaming God produces so much anger that will either be channeled inward, making you sick, frustrated, or outward anger towards your husband, children and friends.
It is a no-win attitude.
When I find myself in a situation like this, I tell God exactly how mad I am at Him, and I am pretty honest about my feelings. Try it, and believe me, you won't hurt God's feelings. WHY? He knows about your anger all along, He was just waiting for you to be honest and tell Him.
Pray to Him saying;
"Father I have been angry at You because of this particular situation (be specific). I have hated this and I've blamed You for it. Please forgive me and help me be released from it. Take away my misconceptions about You and help me to know You better. In Jesus name, Amen."

You will feel better in time but act on that anger soon. This is the purpose of fasting and to be released from everything that is not of God.

In His Love

Sent from my BlackBerry®

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