Thursday, December 31, 2015


Looking back, I can say 2015 was a good year. Not extraordinary but good. God is so faithful.
2016 is hear and I have no choice but to continue trusting God now more than ever.
I believe this year, if you are willing to trust God, He will meet you at your point need.
Happy New Year Prosperous Soul
In His Love

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Why do I do what I do?

When you're a mother there are so many decisions you have to carefully make. It is important that you don't make any decision based on your emotions or at that point where you just feel you cannot go on.
When you have children it's important for you to be focused and strong when life throws tons and tons of issues at you. It,s not easy to be strong. When they are settled in their beds at night, go in to your room or wherever you feel comfortable, break down and cry out to God. God knows your story. He knows your heart and He is the only ONE that can and will restore it.
You have a job to do. You have to let God know with all sincerity, that you need Him.
It is important for you to keep your mind set on Christ. stay focused, be strong, someone depends on you. So why do we do what we do? We do it because Christ gives us the strength to go on. Christ gives us the power to stand firm when everyone and everything in this world fails us. I do what I do because Christ did it for me, and until my kids receives that Christ revelation, I will keep on doing what I do....
In His love

Sunday, October 25, 2015

You Are Stronger

Whatever happened to you either made you stronger or you lost all faith in everyone and life,
But today I believe it made you stronger, WHY because you get up every morning, taking it step step and day by day.
Life can be tough but you are even tougher. BELIEVE IT!!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

As Long As You Do

How often do you get so overwhelmed with joy to the point you cannot speak when your neighbor comes home with his own car. You know how they left their house early on a Saturday morning to do the shopping, then to come back with each child carrying a bag. You see the fatigue and the rush just to get inside the house and to rest from that long walk.
You know that feeling. You know that longing for your own car.
My neighbor came home not with the latest car on the market and definitely not with a brand new car, but with a car suitable for his family. Some might say "that is junk. Why spend money on that. Why not buy a new car first time?"
I'm saying, "It's not how you start, but how you finish." He has that awesome feeling of owning his first and the desire for the next one will be so big that he will eventually buy a brand new one.
We might not all have it together to start big, but as long as we start somewhere.
Oh man, his son was so excited for their car, he started washing it. That brought so much tears to my eyes.
Instead of us criticizing, why don't we celebrate, congratulate and show them we approve of their choice.
What happens when we live for Christ? God brings gifts of affection, compassion and love for others into our hearts, we cannot help but to be happy for others. Most importantly, we develop a willing to stick to God. We then find ourselves involved in loyal commitments and being happy for others then comes naturally.
In His Love

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Don't Curse The Answer

We've all asked God something. Either it's what we need, what we want or what we desire to achieve in life. So many times God has answered exactly what we want, need or desired.
But what happens when God answers exactly the opposite of your question?
Even though the Bible says you do not have because you do not ask, or ask and it will be given to you? This is what recently happened to me. I made my desire known to God for so long and He answered what I did not want. I was so angry, but surely I'm making peace with God's answer. I'm not there yet, but I know God understands me.
What I can say is, I didn't end up or I didn't choose to curse God's answer. I know that God Knows what's best for me and for my family. God's timing is perfect and He will grant my desire in His time and that is God's promise to me.
The actual point I want to make is; sometimes we curse the answer we receive in life, not realizing that it's not the answer that is at fault, but the question. I have that when we change the questions we ask, we surely will get the right and well deserved answers.

In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Saturday, September 12, 2015

It Gets So Much Easier

Growing up I haven't had the easiest life. Although my brother and sister would totally disagree with me regarding that statement. (**,). I would also say that they didn't have it easy although it seemed like they did.
My father was almost never at home(seaman), and my mom would always make a way for us to have food and a roof over our heads.
I never understood why things were the way they were, but I always knew things would get better some day.
I never for one minute thought that my mom was depending on God to make a way where all things seemed so impossible. We would always move around from one room in a house filled with people or to a house we could never really call our own. As a child I couldn't understand why my mom was so humble and In a way I saw her being the tail in various situations, but yet she stayed humble.
Today I'm a married woman with my own children and often I reflect on those days. I thank God for my childhood days. It made me so strong. I figured out who the person is who made my mom so strong. I figured out who the person is who taught my mom humility. I figured out who kept my alive when my mom went to work and I had to wait for her on a pavement. Today, I know that Jesus was the one my mom trusted with everything she had. She trusted Jesus with her life.
There are days I feel exactly how my mom felt when she had to do things that seemed impossible. Today I know Jesus and I can freely give all anxiety, burdens and that unworthy feeling to Him. He doesn't moan when I do and He even thanks me for doing so.
I have come to know Him. I have come to know myself because of Him, and I have come to know what He's passionate about. I want to know Him more every day and as I do, I love myself even more. It actually makes it easier to love those who curse, hate, judge and hurt themselves.
Love covers a multitude of sins.
In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


We all love to have friends. We all love hanging out and just enjoying ourselves, and that just sound and seems all good. But is it really all good?
From a very young age we learn about people automatically we find out, that is what we need in our lives. as you grow older it becomes more evident that you rely on those people to make you feel good not intentionally off course. This then becomes your weekend routine, or for some a daily one.
Do you think this is good for you?
You even begin to feel lonely when they not around. You feel empty because they bring purpose to your life. What about you? Do you bring purpose to your own life? How can you when you depend on others to do that for you? in your teen years, this happened and it's brought into your home your marriage and your children do the same thing.
Have you forgotten what you love to do or, have you ever tried to find out?
Do it today! Sit still for a few minutes and think to yourself. "WHAT DO I LIKE?" You'll be totally amazed. The moment that is established, you won't feel that loneliness anymore. There's one quote that is so dear to my heart. It helped me in so many ways. I hope it will shed some light of how you need to master this loneliness and truly find God's purpose for your life. "PURPOSE", what an amazing gift.
"Loneliness is not the absence of people in your life. Loneliness is the absence of purpose. Once you have purpose, the right people will follow.
People will rule and disrespect you when you come as the tail.
People will respect and imitate you when you come and establish your dominion gifted to you by Christ.
People will find their purpose through you when you are genuine and honest about who Christ says you are.
In His Love

Monday, August 31, 2015

This Season

It might not be seen yet or feel like it when you step out of your home, but it's definitely evident in the heart. I feel the change. I see the change of this new season in me and through me. I am so excited because God makes all things new.
Do you want to feel that awesome new change in your life? Are you tired of experiencing the same season year in and year out? Well, why don't you try what God is saying. It's so amazing. I am already excited for you. Follow the instructions below, be consistent, be committed and watch what God will accomplish in your life. It's Spring, a new season and I want you to feel it and see. Be excited and celebrate while following what God is saying.
"Anyone who intends to come with Me has to let Me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow Me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, My way, to saving yourself your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you! What would you ever trade your soul for? - Mark 8:34
Wow! Instructions for life. We can and will never go wrong when we choose to follow His word.
This is a season for your soul to prosper and it will be seen externally.
In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Restored and "Remembered by God"

In 2012 I wrote about a friend of mine having her second miscarriage in less than a year. What a sad moment. A moment no one understood and I guess some of us still don't and never will. I don't think I ever will. I've never been in that situation, but what I do know is that God made me feel something so intimate during that time, my friend and her family was grieving, I begged God to take the pain away.
There was a moment during all their pain, as if more that just a miscarriage was taking place. It was a time we all felt that the family was so torn apart, so divided, so unhealthy and so allowed by God. You almost wanted to blame God, but a mother and a father who felt the loss more than I did, more than you did, more than the people who knows them so intimately. The two of them decided to trust God more then ever. They refused to allow the enemy to use their grieve against them. This evening while watching them from a distance, I saw not a broken family, I saw not a perfect family, but what I saw was... A scripture on the wall... I saw Joel 2:23-25
"Be glad then, you children of Zion...For He has given you the former rain faithfully...So I will restore to you the years..." What an amazing scripture coming to life within me once again. Today three years later I saw a gift remembered by God given to a once broken family... "Restored and remembered by God."
A new baby boy. I couldn't hold him and I almost felt jealous when my husband and daughter could go near him. I wanted to push them out of the way because I was yearning inside to hold a child, a promise that God never forgot about, but I couldn't hold him, at least not yet. Soon baby soon... (**,) I saw the joy and I definitely felt the joy. There was so much boasting, not of arrogance but of what God has done. He is exalted through all of this. I am reminded of what Cindy Trimm wrote; "Remember, where there are no obstacles, there are no triumphs, and there is no story to tell."
This family has an amazing story to tell and believe me, at the right time and season, the world will hear and believe in the Almighty Christ Jesus.
Three years later I am saying, "Glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more then we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20
Go to the link below and read part 1 of this amazing story.
In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 3 - He Is On Line (My Shepherd)

This morning when I got to work, everything was offline. No one could clock in, no one could send out e-mails. The server along with everything else was off. Now I prepare myself for lots of phone calls from the different areas in the building. Just as I predicted, the calls started coming through, asking me what the problem is. I located the IT guys and while they trying to resolve the problem, I sent out an e-mail saying, they are busy resolving the problem. Now, I have a choice to be irritated by all the calls coming through, I can answer everyone's "WHY" and be irritated even more and send the e-mail to all users explaining myself only ones even though everyone doesn't have a pc or making use of the server.
Then I started looking at this whole scenario,  and should I have a problem in my personal life, I don't have to call people to sort it out. I have a God. He is the best problem solver. He is NEVER offline. He is ALWAYS available. I can COUNT on Him to NEVER let me down. You know what the problem is, why people don't go right away to God? They want to see a physical person standing in front of them. They walk by sight and not by faith. If God has sorted something out for you once, He can and will do it again.
I declare today:
The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. HE leads me to still waters. He restores my soul......When I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear, NO evil.
In His Love

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 2 - Endless Praise "Psalm 46:10"

How amazing is the moment you see the crash coming and God leads you to His word. The word you don't really want to read and meditate on. – But when you do meditate, you get that warm feeling inside you and every detail of God's word is revealed. "Revelation upon revelation."

How can I not feel like praising God. How can i not feel like going on. How can I allow my emotions to take over my whole day and the day has so many hours still left. Your own thoughts rages at you. You feel the responsibility of so many things just come caging in like a wall falling on you and covering you- BUT at the voice of God the earth itself melts. The Lord All-Powerful is with me. (v.7)

God brings wars to an end. That war inside you. This is the reason you have a need to fast. For this reason you have to hold on. So many who does not know Christ has placed their trust in you. Your children look up to you for that extra boost, and even your husband comes to a point where he sees that x-factor in you.

The only thing you can do is take God on His word – remind Him of it and wait. Your strength will be renewed. You will not faint nor grow weary, "Why?" – the word of God is your strength.

You have no choice but to "Calm down,  and learn that He is God"(Psalm 46:10), give Him that endless praise he so much desires.

In His Love

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 1 - Remember?

Wow! How weird is this? Today, on this day one, you see this picture staring you right in your face reminding you of what someone did to you some time back. You tried so hard to forget about the incident and eventually manages to give it to God, and here you're reminded again.

What does this tell me? FASTING has never been and will never be easy especially when you're determined to see change.

I may have over reacted a bit when the reminder came, but that doesn't mean I should stop fasting. Repent and move along, being vigilant and mindful of the purpose. I believe through this morning's experience, God wants to teach me. He wants to show me what's gone should be forgotten at the cross, because that's where I laid it. "Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Matt. 11:29 NLT).

God is gentle and I should be too. Be mindful of how I felt during that situation and had I  not decided to walk away, where would I find myself today?

If this is day one for you as well, or it might even be day 21, stay focused. Breakthrough is here. Forget about the past, God is doing a new thing while you're fasting and it will be revealed throughout this journey.

 In His Love

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It Can Be Overcome

" Burdened?" Absolutely

"Heaviness?" Definitely

These are the two words and feelings I can relate to some days but mostly at night. It's not issues and trials I'm battling with but those of others and I feel it weighing me down. God has called us to serve and in turn He serves us if we allow Him to.
Now, that is one invitation I will never refuse. I know what it is to carry burdens for days, months and years on end. I laid it at the cross, even the ones to come in Jesus name. – But there are people who doesn't  know how to lay it down. There are people who knows about Jesus, but all they can think of is, there's a God who punish people if they tell Him about their problems.
I believe that is where we come in. God wants us to serve others and teach them about this wonderful God who is really eager to listen to us. He wants to love on us and not want us to be afraid.
At the moment I feel burdened, heavy and cast down. I listen to people. They open up to me and in the process, trusts me with their issues. That is such a huge responsibility. When someone puts their trust in you, you are so cautious because of past mistakes and you feel that the enemy is testing you. – but today I am certain this is not the enemy, this is God wanting me to see that I can do it. This is God showing me that I can be trusted and the past is long gone.
God wants to free me of other people's burdens and He tells me it can and will only be overcome by prayer and fasting. God is yet again reminding me, it is not about me. It is not about what I want. I have a need to yet again take those burdens to Him by earnestly praying and fasting for those who trust me. He will turn it around for them. They will begin to see who the Burden Lifter is.
I am determined to hear you've had breakthrough. I am determined to see you walking and living life lighter. I am determined to let go of all burdens, give it to God by prayer and fasting, until I see  and experience breakthrough in all areas in my life. This is a birthing process, waiting to be delivered full term, by prayer and fasting that pleases God.
It is not about me. It's about the one who seeks change so desperately. Because they seek, they will find in Jesus name. "Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;...." Isaiah 58...

In His LovE

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Where and how to stand

I must admit, it's really hard sometimes to stand your ground, but it is possible. There are time you've been through so much that- you see yourself praying, asking God for help, but it's impossible to put it into action. You feel defeated. You feel hated by God even though you know it's not true. This is what This is what happens when you are not grounded in God's word. You can easily be tripped if you don't make time for the word of God.

The word of God is truly a lamp unto our feet and light on our path. It makes issue so much lighter, it even takes it away when we wholeheartedly trust the Light. We don't have to be in darkness. We don't have to wonder, "where to from here?" We can be sure that whatever comes our way, we are assured that our Saviour to save us. God wants to help us prosper in every area of our lives, but it cannot happen if we are still stuck on the old patterns that brings us back to where we started. We have to let go of old patterns and replace it with God's word. "Stand your ground. . . . Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers."

—Ephesians 6:14, 18, nlt

In His Love


Friday, June 19, 2015

They Depend On You

I've been temping at this company for three months now and the amount of trust place on me is so overwhelming. I feel sad to think there are so many people just looking for someone to talk to. They just looking for someone to listen and to occasionally give some sound Godly advice.

I signed a four month contract and I pray that I will not leave this place full. I want to leave empty. I want to give all that I am, all that I have been given by God and just pour it out in this place.

We were not created to live life on our own or for ourselves. Yes, we do need some time to tend to ourselves in order for us to be healthy and whole.


 After hearing another broken person opening up to me this morning, I am compelled to yet again change the way I look at life. Life requires me to constantly make decisions and change my strategy towards people and my daily tasks. It is imperative that I stay focused on God's plan for my life, be healthy, whole and love unconditionally. That is what this broken world needs. They don't need another judgemental conversation from a person who claims to know it all just because they went through something. They need to look into your face and tell themselves; "This is the person God sent on my path, and I feel comfortable sharing."

I want to be that person with the face that says "sent by God."  

God desires us to be well. We are not perfect, but we can be healthy. We are not trial free. We are not issue free. We are free from condemnation because our sins are no longer Ours to bare. We are free when we decide to lay all our imperfections at the feet of Jesus and listen to a hungry, needy person, who just need someone to talk to.

I decided to decide daily to be the change myself and everyone else longs to see. The work place needs you. Your church needs you. Your family needs you. The person on the street needs you,  and I believe God needs you to be rest in Him so He can work through you.
In His Love Leslene                                                                                                   


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Giving Birth - Natural / Spiritual Relieve

Isaiah 26:17

"As a woman with child
Is in pain and cries out in her pangs,
When she draws near the time of her delivery,
So have we been in Your sight, O Lord.
We have been with child, we have been in pain;
We have, as it were, brought forth wind;
We have not accomplished any deliverance in the earth,
Nor have the inhabitants of the world fallen.

The vision, an embryo, conceived by the spirit of God Implanted in the womb of the spirit receives nourishment from the word of God, Via the umbilical cord of faith. Although there may not be outward signs
In the spirit something monumental has occurred.

There are some common signs of pregnancy before one begins to "show" Some experience digestive problems--the body begins to reject food it once loved while others experience an increased appetite, and or, an intense craving for a particular food. Not to mention the hormonal changes that causes the pendulum to swing abruptly from one emotion to another.
And what of the timing of this event-- Is it an inconvenience?
And if declared to be such, easily aborted.

If the pregnancy is allowed to continue and crosses the hurdle of miscarriage,
Soon after the first flutterings are felt and there's no doubt-
You're nine months now. Feet are swollen
You waddle here and there, you're weary, heavy and ready for this baby to come.

The first stirrings signal that labor has begun. During the night the baby has positioned himself to enter the world. The contractions begin slow and steady and increase in intensity and duration. Between contractions you try to rest and regroup awaiting the next contraction that will usher you into destiny.
You have resisted the temptation to abort the mission, because of fear and pressure and the urge to please. You have not allowed past failures to cause you to miscarry.
Now you face the greatest attack--you're so close to giving birth
Yet exhaustion from the loss of blood and pain endured(there was no epidural),
You find you're so close, but you're strength has been depleted
And the urgency you felt is diminished.

But if you listen closely, you'll hear your coach(paraclete, helper) say:
Your spirit will arise and say, " Your deliverance is in this baby, purpose and destiny are in this baby"
You'll be able to plant your feet firmly in the "stirrups of promise" And begin to bear down with the next contraction.
Against Frustrations and Attacks from the adversary-
Against Oppression and Depression-
I can hear the midwife say; "I see the head! A few more good pushes,
And we'll have a baby."
Against Opposition-
Disappointments and Tears-
Until at last you hold in your arms, your purpose that allows you to walk in your destiny.

Isaiah 66:7-9
Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pains came, she was delivered of a manchild. Who hath heard such things? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? Saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? Saith thy God.

Monday, May 25, 2015

That Issue...

"My daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your trouble." Mark 5:34

- We continue to walk around year in and year out with that same issue, just like this woman with the issue of blood, and we choose to let Jesus pass by. She made a choice that no more will I continue to put myself through this suffering. Jesus is the only answer to rid her of all the issues that is weighing her down.
Are you one of these woman who year in and year out leans on her own understanding and takes advice from others who has never been in your situation? Jesus is waiting on you. He has never forced anyone to touch Him. He is waiting!
He is waiting for you to decide, it's time to let go. Be free of that issue once and for all.
"... Your faith has made you well."
In His Love

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"Grace" Revelation Upon Revelation

When you understand "Grace", you will be content with what you have, and who you have in your life. You don't want any extras because you know God will add when there's a need for extras.
We get so carried away with our wants and with all kinds of words coming from people who makes no sense at all - God says in Hebrews 13:9 " is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them."
In other words, if you take on anything that was not given to you by God, it's definitely not good for you.
It is by grace that I have been saved – it is my faith that made it happen,  and it didn't come from myself. There is absolutely no way I can boast about it. "Grace", is a gift to me from God.
I realize today that "Grace" is not just that once off thing given to me. It's given to me in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord.
I am in awe, it's because of "Grace" , I am free to speak to God with so much confidence, yet staying humble and by doing that, God will see to me in a time of need.
The amazing thing about grace is, sin is not my master because I am no longer under the law, but under grace.
When you understand "Grace", you have a desire to do all things supernaturally and not by natural works. The way you act towards people or things are graceful and in the same way that God extends grace to you, it is expected of you to do the same.
So many speak of love, patience, and the Supernatural – if you have received revelation BUT, you do not make it practical on a daily basis, you won't be able to be graceful in those areas of your life. If you have not received revelation and pretend to have received, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Everything coming from God is Supernatural and until you know God, you will know what the Supernatural is all about.
In His Love

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Inside First

Prosperity is about overcoming obstacles—political, cultural, economic, emotional, relational, etc.—so that when you arise out of hardship and setbacks, you come out better than you were before. That is what it means to prosper—to have the strength and resources to do good in spite of the bad that might be happening to you and around you. Prosperity allows you to say that no matter what, "I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continuously be in my mouth, because I trust Him in the process."6 Deuteronomy reminds us that it is God "who gives you the strength to be prosperous."7 God's favour prospers us with the pro- vision to fulfil a purpose—"an abundance for every good work.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I Am Happy & Prosperous

Prosperity allows me to say, no matter what, "I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continuously be in my mouth, because I trust Him in the process."
Dr Cindy Trimm writes;
"Prosperity is the divine enablement that helps you overcome obstacles in order to fulfill a purpose - the capacity you need to maximise your potential to create change."

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Are You Focused?

Sure you are focused. The question is; “What are you focusing on?’
I think that is what so many of us are battling with. We focus on our husbands, who treats us bad so many times. We then think and say to ourselves; “Why do I bother to even try and make things work?” But then we think of our children and how and where they will end up if the dad is out of the picture.
Today, I want to ask you to focus on you and what you want to achieve. Some might think this is being selfish. Well, I don’t think it is. We tend to focus on so many other things and forget about our own needs. Yes the Bible says it’s not about self. That is true, but God doesn’t want us to focus on others and see to their needs and we ourselves are not filled.
We cannot give what we don’t have. If you don’t know how to love yourself, you can never give love to someone else.
If you don’t see yourself as beautiful, how will you be able to tell someone else how beautiful they are without envying them or without jealousy. I ask you today, to really shift your focus towards God and then yourself. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about.
Years of battling with the same issues. Years of battling with the same concerns. Years of battling with the same hurt. I am experienced you know.
The awesome thing now is, when issues, concerns and hurt do occur. I can boldly say, “Not my problem! God, you deal with it.” That is how I roll now. I don’t have time and energy to ponder on things I laid aside long time ago. This that caused so much trouble in my friendship, marriage and in my family.
I really hope this message serves you well today. I am praying with you my friend. You are not alone. You don’t have to feel alone anymore, because, everything you have prayed and hoped for is about to come to pass.
“What dominates your attention, determines the direction of your life.”
Let’s make that quote simpler. “Where the focus goes, there the power flows.”
You can do it, you have the power to overcome all that things.
In His Love

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

It Is For Your Own Good

This thought just popped and I just had to put it in paper. "It is for our own good that we don't take offence." Then I thought it had to be somewhere in the Bible. If it's not, then why would I feel so positive about it?
Anyway, I searched and what do you know. FOUND IT!!!
We can so easily get offended when somebody says something or do something that is not even directed at you. Words are uttered and we regret them afterwards. If we are the smart people we think and say we are, you will then know how to hold your tongue.
We go on like children and dig a pit for ourselves. What happens then, you can't get. You do, but it takes forever.
I'm sure so many can relate to this and so many still battle with this same issue over and over again.

So here's what the scripture says;
"The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook an offence." Proverbs 19:11
OMW!!! How awesome and how powerful is this word. I believe it's a word in season for God's people. Because it is for our own good, we will try our best not to get angry over silly things. Because it is for our own good , we will try our best not to get offended over petty things and see everyone through the eyes of God.
If a remark is directed at you, walk away. It might be hard for you to do that, but believe me, you will be forever grateful you did.
God even says that it is for His own good that He overlook an offence. Why would He say that? Just imagine God remembers every sin we did. Every comment we made towards Him and just imagine God were to deal with us for time we hardened our hearts towards Him? OMW!!!! This whole earth would be demolished. So.....If God can forget, we should really try and do the same. IT IS FOR OUR OWN GOOD!!!!

I am so blessed by this word this morning. All glory to God.

In His Love



Monday, March 16, 2015

IT'S OK. It's all part of the season

Every long term trial is part of a season. Have you ever noticed that? Whatever we go through seems like an eternity and we actually, "how am I gonna make it through."
During that season you feel as if your friends has left your side, their attitudes have changed and you feel all alone.
Don't be alarmed my friend. It might just be that when your trial ends, you'll be in a season where taking the same people with you, might just not be a good thing.
I want to say, embrace your current season and look ahead, the new is just around the corner. The first thing that usually goes through your mind is "Loneliness" because you feel alone. SHAME!
Let me tell you this. Loneliness is not the absence of people. Loneliness is the absence of purpose, and once you know what your purpose is, the right people will come along.
Now isn't that awesome? So.....when people does leave your sidee, it's ok. Believe in the magic of the current season you're in.
You've been here before and you made it, didn't you? Even God's word says it. "Everything that is happening now, has happened before and it will happen again." Ecclesiastes 1:10
My question to you is; Will your actions towards another trial and people be the same as it is now?
If you decide to take it just as hard, you will never move forward. Do we want our sons and daughters to follow the same path? I don't think so.
Think about it.....
Embrace this season and look forward to something magical and beautiful. Is is afterall from God.

In His Love

Sunday, February 8, 2015

This Joy....

This joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life. The quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be ok. And the determined choice to praise God in all things.

This joy that I have, the world didn't give it to me.
This joy that I have, the world can't take it away.
I am so filled with joy after this morning's service. "Vision Sunday" Totallyq Amazing!!
I have this assurance that God knows what I need and He is able to lead me through this season of my lifeq
God, you are #Amazing
In His Love

Friday, February 6, 2015

He Is There!

I am not worried, because my God is already there.
If tomorrow my cupboards should be empty, God is there to provide. If tomorrow I am not feeling like myself, God is there to help me renew my mind.
If tomorrow I am broken inside, God is there to restore me.
If tomorrow I am afraid of not having Jesus in my life, the Spirit of God is there to remind me of the cross.
Just as God feeds the birds, He will do the same for me.
Just as a child depends on his / parents for the future, so does God want us to depend on Him.

Lord, no matter how many times my attitude changes, You remain the same. Thank you Jesus. Father, I want to draw close to You like never before. Show me how. I want to do all things without complaining so that I cam be blameless in this perverse and wicked world. Teach me Lord in Jesus name. Amen

In His Love

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Chosen Lady

“To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in truth-and not only I, but also all who know the truth….” 2 John 1:1


I am writing this to myself and to those who knows without a doubt that they are chosen, and ESPECIALLY to the lady who feels there is no way she can be chosen.

The word elect means “CHOSEN” and if the word of God says those words, it means you are included. The lady that the word of God speaks of is not just any lady, it does not speak of her colour or race, but because she is part of the church. The Church is comprised of all people who believe that Jesus Christ is the Saviour who died for on the cross to bear the guilt and pay the penalty of their sin and conquered death.


Knowing this, NOW is the time to stop putting yourself down. NOW is the time that you rise up, put on that beautiful smile and say; “I Am Chosen.”

Don’t worry about being lonely, everything is going to be OK. Yes there are times you feel unwanted, believe me I know what it feels like, but look at the scripture. It says “To the lady chosen…”

That has to count for something? It will only spark something in you when you meditate on it and start believing it.

God wants the best for you and I. He wants us to move forward in life and not stay stuck, but it’s really up to you and make the shift. We can no longer go through the motions on a daily basis. Then we wonder why only certain people are moving forward. They made the shift and it started with their thoughts.

You are CHOSEN and that means there are great things about to happen. You might be going through a stressful or hurtful period in your life, but

Look what happened to David in the Bible. “David was greatly distressed,….but he encouraged(found strength) himself in the Lord.” 1 Samuel 30:6

Please don’t allow life’s battles to get to you. The battle is not yours. Don’t try to fight it on your own. Do what a child would do when things get tough, give it to mommy or daddy. Soooo, give your battle to God. If you don’t know how, contact someone you really trust or you can contact me.

God wants you well!!!

In His Love





Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Already There

Jamie Grace sings; "You lead, I'll follow. Your hands on my tomorrow…"

What an amazing song.

Whatever happens tomorrow, I am certain God is already there. He has it all covered. We really don't have to worry about tomorrow. I will stand on that Word God gave me. It comforts me in times of uncertainty. It strengthens me on days I feel I'm doing life alone.

I know what God has for me is so much more than what I see.

There are times when I wake up, I just don't want to get out of bed. I don't feel like facing the day and what I perceive it holds. That is the time the Holy Spirit comes and reminds me of the ONE Person who directs my steps. I sometimes feel I don't want to be the same person I was yesterday, because of the way I treated somebody or just the way I denied God instead of denying myself.

God is so gracious, that He gives me a brand new start every day and to do things better.


My prayer is that we will stay true to who God has created us to be. That we will seek Him daily, stay faithful and do our best to love. Trust God to lead and teach the way He knows best.


In His Love



Friday, January 30, 2015

Remembering God's Promise

I remember God giving me this scripture and because I believed it, it has come to pass.
(Matthew 6:30-34 MSG): 
"If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers, most of which are never even seen, don't you think He¹ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way He works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how He works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don¹t worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."

It may not be in the way that I thought it would, but it definitely did. Just makes me realize once again, that God's thoughts is not mine.
I am so grateful for God is busy doing. I am only filling in at this company for a lady who is on leave, but I trust God for great things to come. I am also grateful that my side made it through to another phase at Allan Gray Orbis Foundation for Grade 8 in 2016 and at CPUT Scholarship also for 2016.
God said that I shouldn't worry about tomorrow and I am not. I've learned to trust Him more than ever and to look away from a world who prospers by their own strength.
Everything that happens in my favor is through Jesus Christ and no one on this earth in the natural realm can take the glory.
I am in awe of God's goodness, grace, mercy and love.

In His name
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Thursday, January 29, 2015

He knows my future

Thursday, 28th January 2015, and I am totally in awe of God.
I want to tell you that it's no use in moaning and dragging your feet. If you have a problem, speak up. Yes, God knows our hearts but He wants us to be open. He want us to give whatever is bothering us to Him.

I am grateful on this day that I have learned to give it all to Him. I feel light because I trust Him. Tomorrow is a new start for me. After being at home for almost 4 months, God provided.
I am so grateful to God for leading me in to a 21 day fast. He knew why I had to do it. I was obedient and it paid of. God came through for my daughter and for my son. I can only give God glory and continue to honor and praise Him.

If you made a vow to God, don't break it. God will honor you. You will see the fruits of what you put in.

In His Love
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Let The Sun Shine

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivers him out of them all." Psalm 34:19

What is your response to answered prayer?
Some people are unsure about it because they don't know if God actually answered or if it was just coincidence that things just worked out just as they had prayed.
David the Psalmist had no such doubt. He beamed like the sun in his excitement over answered prayer. God wants us to do the same thing. He wants us to be excited even before the answered prayer is out in the open.
I urge you to let the love of God shine on you as He responds to your prayers and reflect His love to others even in a time of affliction.

In His Love
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's not harm you

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).

It's an easy thing to say we trust God, but it is definitely not an easy thing for some of us to do – especially if we come from a background where our trust has been consistently betrayed. In order to go the distance, we need to strongly develop the habit of not trying to control and orchestrate our lives and futures, but rather giving them to God.

It is one thing to plan and prepare for the future, but another to try to manipulate events, people or circumstances. When we believe that God truly cares for us, it is so much easier to cast our cares upon Him. No one is going to entrust anything that matters to them to someone who does not care for them.

Today, I want you to know that God's plans for you are for good and not evil. God started this work in you, and He will bring it to completion. If God is for you, then who can be against you? You can trust Him with every detail of your life.

In His Love
This post was written by Christine Caine
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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Consistency, The Key To Breakthrough - Day 21

The words did not want to leave my mind.
"Consistency is the key to YOUR breakthrough!!"
It was actually screaming at me and I started
speaking to God. God was so clear about the word
"consistent". He said if my household want to see
continous breakthrough, we have to stay
consistent when it comes to the word of God.
So many beautiful things are happening in our
home and it's all because we stand firm when it
comes to the word of God. I said to God that there
are so many things we are struggling with
especially me, and yet He blesses me. The Lord
gave me a scripture about "when you abide in Me
and My word abide in you, you shall know the
truth and the truth shall set you free. (John 8:32)
He said that we know the truth, yet we are not
free. He made an example of a person who treats
her husband or his wife terrible knowing what the
word says, that you must love your husband/wife
which is the truth, but he/she is not free beause
they do not operate in the truth.
In order for us to live a life of truly being free we
have to be consistent in all we do in order for us
to recieve our breakthrough.
This is something to ponder on hey? I am making
a decision to be consistent, live the word, receive
continual breakthrough and others will see that
God is at work in my life.
I know it will take time to always live in truth but
at the end of the day we will be successful.
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day
in and day out. When you vow to fast, to worship, to serve or do anything unto God, don't give up continue, breakthrough will come.
In His love

Friday, January 23, 2015

Moving Forward...Day 20

"The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger." Job 17:9

It is exactly like the scripture says, and I intent to move and not stop, for God has been good to me. I feel like a new person. He has opened up many things for me.
I don't have much to say this morning. I am truly grateful for this fast is the best thing I did in a very long time. I will do it over and over.

Don't give up!!

In His Love
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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tired, Hungry But Still Pumped - Day 19

Hey there everyone. I woke up with a screaming tummy. I was like, "Hello, what's your problem? Cool down and relax in Jesus name." Heheheheee!!!

That was the words of a woman taking authority. I then go up and did my morning exercise - and now I feel pumped up again. Ready for the day. When the enemy wants to remind you of anything that will distract you in any way, take charge immediately. Don't wait, moan and groan. You'll be defeated.
Be strong my mind and keep praying, worshiping and trusting God.
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Isaiah 40:29

In His Love

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It Invaded My heart - Day 18

For most of our children it's an exciting time. School started today and almost everyone is on a high.
My son was so excited because it's his first day for Grade 7, a senior in primary school. He decided it's a new year and he will go to bed 8:30pm this year, but 10:30pm he was still awake. I suppose it's the excitement for the new that's happening in his life.
The same with us, if you are doing the 21 day fast, and you have made it till this day 18, you should be excited.
Don't let the excited die down, your breakthrough is here. You are busy fulfilling the vow you made to God.
I am so overwhelmed and excited for this 18the day, knowing that Daddy God is working behind the scenes.
Be reminded that the enemy is not done with you yet, but keep on reminding him who and Who's child you are.
Give God all the praise for carrying you through.
God wants to keep His promise to you. Keep on praising Him and obey His commands.
"God is truly good to Israel, especially to everyone with a pure heart." Psalm 73:1
The one things that invaded my heart is "Gratitude" I am strong, I am in touch my Him who lives in me and with Him all things are possible.

In His Love
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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I am not ashamed

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She Is Confident

She is confidently sure that as she tells them about Jesus and that He is the risen Lord, breakthrough will come her way. She does not have to waiver or be double minded.
Suddenly Jesus met (the women) and said, "Peace be with you." They came up to Him, took hold of his feet, and worshipped Him. "Do not be afraid," Jesus said to them. "Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me."
Matthew 28:9-10

In His Love
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Monday, January 19, 2015

Who comes to steal? - Day 17

"A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy..."
John 10:10

...And that thief is definitely not God. The only thing that's on the devil's mind, is for you to suffer. He pit so many things in your head and you are sometimes so ignorant to his devices.
When this happens, you have so much anger towards God- all because things didn't work out for you as you have planned. We have so much anger towards God and we have to blame Him for something. This is far more common than most of us care to admit, especially for those who have been abused, neglected, or deeply disappointed by others.
B laming God forces you into a corner with no way out, instead of you recognizing that God is the only way out.
Blaming God produces so much anger that will either be channeled inward, making you sick, frustrated, or outward anger towards your husband, children and friends.
It is a no-win attitude.
When I find myself in a situation like this, I tell God exactly how mad I am at Him, and I am pretty honest about my feelings. Try it, and believe me, you won't hurt God's feelings. WHY? He knows about your anger all along, He was just waiting for you to be honest and tell Him.
Pray to Him saying;
"Father I have been angry at You because of this particular situation (be specific). I have hated this and I've blamed You for it. Please forgive me and help me be released from it. Take away my misconceptions about You and help me to know You better. In Jesus name, Amen."

You will feel better in time but act on that anger soon. This is the purpose of fasting and to be released from everything that is not of God.

In His Love

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Tested Faith - Day 16

If you are poor, don't despair! Don't give up when your faith is being tested. Don't get angry quickly. Don't favor the rich over the poor. Do good things for others. Control your tongue and your desires. Surrender to God and His wisdom. Resist the devil. Don't brag about what you are going to do. If you are rich, use your money to help the poor. Be patient and kind, and pray for those who need God's help.
The above is how God is testing my faith should any of those apply to me at the time.
During this fast I want too be taught how important it is that my life backs up my words.
I want to ask myself questions about my attitude towards wealth. I want to be taught how to watch my words and in how much trouble I could get into when I speak without thinking. I want to know how my life is shaped by what I believe. There are so much I can be taught if I am focused on God every second of my life and I seriously don't want to miss out.
None of these will be easy, but God is saying that I should count it all joy when my faith is being tested. (James 1:2)
God is teaching me how to ENDURE everything, so that I will completely mature and not lacking anything.

"God will bless you, if you don't give up when your faith is being tested. He will reward you with a glorious life, just as he rewards everyone who loves Him." James 1:12

God is saying, "LOVE ME, and you will pass all of the above, and I will reward you."

In His Love

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Still there - Day 15

"Be humble and gentle in every way. Be patient with each other and lovingly accept each other." Ephesians 4:2

When people mistreat you, is it easy to stay humble and just accept them for who they?
I think it is a good idea to try our best. Jesus is patient with us.
I feel I want to do something to someone who keeps on mistreating. I get this urge where I just want to tell them where to get off. I want to tell them how wrong they are. And the list goes on and on...
That is not the way God would handle it. What I do is, I ask myself WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) when I'm mistreated. People who hurt, tend to hurt others and in time they will stop, but it will happen gradually. We just have to patient and realize we were there at stage. I would actually add that we are still there, because of the way we treat Jesus.
There are so much we have to learn by cultivating God's word in our lives and yes that will take time and only by fasting and praying this can happen. Don't be hard on others and especially on yourself.

In His Love

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

At His Feet - Day 14

 She had a sister named Mary, who sat down in front of the Lord and was listening to what he said. 40 Martha was worried about all that had to be done. Finally, she went to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it bother you that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me!"
- Luke 10:39

It is better to sit at the Lord's feet than to be busy trying to please others. And if that is not enough, we complain when we are too busy. We then start complaining as if we were instructed to do the work. God wants us to stop with the pretense and sit at the feet of Jesus.
This fast should teach us how to be in a closer relationship with our Father.
"...Martha was busy in the kitchen. Later she stepped in, interrupting them. "Master, don't you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand." The Master said. "Martha dear Martha, you're fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it-it's the main course, and won't be taken from her."
Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and to make that her main focus. Despite of Martha's fussing. She was not moved.

In His Love
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Thursday, January 15, 2015

He says; - Day 13

"Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - he's good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

As I took my morning walk, I was reminded of the thoughts others have and how we follow them. Their thoughts become our thoughts eventually, that's if we're not careful. We know that our plans are not God's plans but we are so over powered by the thoughts of others.
He says in Jeremiah 29:11, that He has plans for us, and it's not to harm us. So why would we follow others if we declare His word daily and say our minds are renewed and yet we see no change. It's simple, our believe system has to change. We can say what "He says", and we also have to believe it.
Let's focus on transforming our thoughts according to His word and believe it.
When we do that we can boldly say;
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Lord, if you said it, then it's settled. You have already fought this battle. Help me to believe You. Show me once again how to have my mind renewed against the patterns of this world. In Jesus name. Amen!

In His Love
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It Depends On Who's Voice? - Day 12

"Don't be fooled by any kind of strange teachings. It is better to receive strength from God's undeserved kindness than to depend on certain foods." Hebrews 13:9

If people tell you, you are crazy to go on a fast so early in the year and give you all sorts of teachings to make you stop, what will you do?
Well, the Bible makes it clear that we shouldn't eat anything anybody tells you.
Stopping with what you started all because of what people are telling you, that vow was never serious. Be strong, be firm because Christ has liberated you in to freedom. Do not fall back into a yoke op slavery. (Gal. 5:1)
Your voice and God's voice should be the only voices that should persuade you.

"The Lord helps me! Why should I be afraid of what can do to me." Hebrews 13:6

In His Love
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

No Trading - Day 11

" Watch out for immoral and ungodly people like Esau, who sold his future blessing for only one meal.
You know how he later wanted it back. But there was nothing he could do to change things, even though he begged his father and cried." Hebrews 12:16-17

Temptations are high, but are you willing to trade what you have and still to receive for a meal just because you are hungry and this after you have made a covenant with God?
Daily I realize, we so easily trade the love of Christ for anything that's not of God all because we want to please the world.
It's not about people, but the world does watch us. And when they see us trading our covenant for sin they loose faith in us whom they believe can lead them to Christ.
The Bible says; " Try to live in peace with everyone. Live a clean life. If you don't, you will never see the Lord. Make sure that no one misses out on God's wonderful kindness...." Hebrews 12:14-15
Let us think before we trade in what we have.

In His Love

My Portion Forever - Day 10

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength[a] of my heart and my portion forever."
Psalm 73:26

For two days I felt like dropping out. Not because I am battling or thinking no breakthrough will come, NO, it's because my flesh wants to take over. The enemy parades everything that nice before me and I want to jump at the opportunity.
I have to remind myself that I cannot give up now. I've come this far to turn back now!!! OH NO!
I will keep on going until the end. My portion is waiting for me. My breakthrough is near, I can feel it.
I will do what David when everything was against him. "...but David encouraged himself in the Lord." 1 Samuel 30:6

In His Love

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Flood - Day 9

"Rescue me from my enemies, Lord,for I hide myself in you." Psalm 143:9

This is the scripture I will continuously quote when the enemy comes in like a flood. At this moment this is what I have to do and trust that God will deliver me.
It's day 9 and the enemy is not happy. Fasting is not easy, it's not suppose to be easy. If it were easy, I don't think the enemy will even try to bother you.
Scripture says; "...When the enemy come in like a flood..." Isaiah 59:19
So, the enemy will try everything to stop the vow you made with God. Be brave, stand firm and do not fall back into a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)
The stronger you are in your commitment towards this fast, the stronger the enemy will come in.
Keep calling on God, keep praying and don't stop.

Lord, honestly, I feel so weak with this old thing the enemy is throwing at me. Please help me Lord. I need You so much. I don't want to give up. You are Lord of my life and no other god will rule me. I love You, Lord. In Jesus name. Amen!

In His Love
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The World and I - Day 8

"Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches."(Psalm 73:12)

Wow, isn't that true. Everyday, you come across ungodly people who prospers in everything they do. Does it mean the world system is faster? I think it is. They don't allow themselves to wait. They make it happen, and it doesn't matter how they make it happen. But where do they en up, they end up tired, they end up anxious because whatever they rushing towards doesn't last long.
We don't have to do that when we're in Christ. We are taught that He takes care of it all, and we don't have to do things the easy way. If He says that, then we don't have to worry about the wicked that prospers so quickly.
When we do things God's way, we won't be in trouble. "They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men." (Psalm 73:5)
Allow this fast to teach you how to stay close to God. When the day of judgement is here, we will know where our destination is.
"Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him:"
(Ecclesiastes 8:12)

God is for you, especially when you give every selfish nature back to Hi to deal with.

Thank you Lord for Your word says: "....Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood" (Revelation 1:5). I am loved and so grateful. In Jesus name. Amen!
In His Love
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Friday, January 9, 2015

Enjoyment of Life - Day 7

"I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun."
Ecclesiates 8:15

Today is a big day for me. The whole family are on our way to a picnic. I packed in nice goodies for them. Breakfast, lunch and not to mention all the sweet stuff.
It's so tempting, but I am strong. I know this will be a huge challenge for me to contain myself from getting moody or hungry because of what I see in their plates today. God is saying to this morning; "Enjoy life with those who are merry. Life cannot stop because of one person who decides to fast."
When temptation comes in the form of a picnic, count it all joy because, you are part of a people who wants to enjoy life with each other.
Be strong and enjoy life.

Lord, You know my heart. You know my weaknesses on day such as this. Help me TODAY Lord to be strong and to know what the purpose of this fast is. In Jesus name. Amen!
In His Love
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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Rest - Day 6

"He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake." Psalms 23:2-3

Rest is, "and anchor of the soul" (Hebrews 6:19), which keeps us from being tossed around on the sea of circumstances. It's not just the feeling of ease we get from a vacation or relaxation or a sound sleep at night; true rest is a place inside ourselves where we can be still and know that He is God, no matter what appears to be happening around us.
Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
He instructs us not allow our hearts to be troubled but to resist it by deciding to rest in Him.
We must say, "God, I choose this day to enter into the rest You have for me. Show me how."

This morning on day 5, I feel unsettled within me. I feel tired, anxious, and moody. It's only day 5 and today I feel worried and wonder how I will feel on the days that still lie ahead, BUT I do realize, it's not of God. The enemy wants me to give up, but God says something else. He is teaching me about His "Rest"
I will not be anxious and keep going. God has a plan. I will rest in Him.
When we rest in Him, He reveals all that stands in our way. Resting is "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) and learning to be content no matter what the circumstance (Phil. 4:11) - not being necessarily delighted with those circumstances but being able to say, "God is in charge. I have prayed about it. He knows my need. I am obeying to the best of my knowledge. I can rest."
In His Love

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Still Committed - Day 5

"For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day." 2 Timothy 1: 12

I have a relationship with my Father and I am not ashamed to say it. This is day 5 and I am happy to say that I will stay committed. Early this morning I had to be at Labor Department and the wait seemed endless. You think you never gonna see the inside of the place all because they take their own sweet time, and not to mention with what belongs to me.
You give your time in order for you to receive what's yours and yes it will take time to get to you. Because you are committed, you will be rewarded.
Through prayer and fasting, you learn patience, you learn how to have peace, you learn how to trust fully in God - that when your possessions are in the hands of others, you trust that God is busy on your behalf.
Stay committed to the covenant you have with God.
In His Love

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

His Faithfulness - Day 4

"Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel." Jeremiah 18:6b

We can surely trust God as we allow Him to shape us. When we draw up that contract or let me say; when we decide on a fast, we give God permission to shape us like the potter shapes the clay. Fasting is NOT easy. Besides hunger, we face other challenges, but guess what? God remains FAITHFUL when we fail, or when we decide to give up.
It is so important that we tell God why we are fasting. What we expect from the fast and that we will be faithful in our prayers.
With this fast, I laid my daughter before God. I asked Him for a matric pass. I know she did her best during the end exam and I wanted her to see her results as her best. God showed me that all things are possible. He showed me His faithfulness because my daughter was faithful during her studies. She passed... All glory to God. This however won't stop me from continuing the fast. I makes me want to keep going and trust God for the other requests I have made known to Him. I believe He will come through.
Let's remain faithful always, and allow the Potter to shape and mold us.
"Lord, I have decided to give everything I have over to You. I give You permission to mold me. I have tried to do things on my own, "But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You are our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand."(Isaiah 64:8). do what need to be done, remove everything that is not of You and show me what faithfulness really is. Amen!"
In His Love
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Monday, January 5, 2015

Praise God IT IS... Day 3

"Yes, I have loved you with an unfailing love; therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt." Jeremiah 31:3-4

I feel God's love all around me and I fully accept it and today more than ever, I am persuaded that neither death, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.(Romans 8:38-39)
I will never doubt His love ever again. We are on day 3 and I am strong. I will make it. Lord, may Your unfailing LOVE be my comfort. (Psalm 119:76)
In His Love

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

I'm Weary - Day 2

"I, the Lord, said to Israel: You have become weary, but not from worshiping me." Isaiah 43:22

You have fasted many times before and it didn't turn out they way you wanted. You got tired because you don't get the proper nutrition. You feel tired and it makes you not want to take that quiet time and pray, instead you sleep.
The enemy wants to stop you from the ultimate purpose. When you feel tired, tell God why you fasting. Tell God what the purpose is.
He said to them, "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting." Mark 9:29
God is aware that you are weary, but not of worshiping Him, then you wouldn't have decided to fast again. Fasting is worshiping Him, because you know only He can deliver you from the battles.
This is your second day, and just like He carried you through your first day(yesterday), He will do the same today. Expect that breakthrough and keep on worshiping God.
In His Love
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Saturday, January 3, 2015

He Still Remembered - Day 1

"Many times He delivered them; but they rebelled against Him by their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity. Nevertheless He regarded their affliction, when He heard their cries; and for their sake He remembered His covenant." Psalm 106:43-45

This is the first day of the 21 day fast and God reminded me this morning that I will fail, may it be in my thoughts, my attitude, and many others things, but I must remember why Christ died for me. I must remember why I'm fasting, because He remembers His covenant.
"Lord, I pray that you will deliver me from anything that binds me. Enable me to recognize every work of the evil one in my life, and strengthen me to stand strong against it. Thank You that when I feel the death grip of mine in circumstances, You hear my cry for freedom and answer. Set me free Jesus from anything that keeps me from being all You made me to be. Amen!"
In His Love

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Is this not the fast?

The practice of fasting goes much deeper than the act of going without food. God declares that He does not just delight in us going without our daily needs, but delights in loosing the "bonds of wickedness" and undoing "heavy burdens" of those we oppress.
God is calling us to live from His set of values and ethics. Fasting is fine and good and in these days we don't do it enough. Yes we fast but we still harbor destructive thoughts and oppressive attitudes and that does not reflect Christ in us at all.
Ethics supply the foundation for our values. Values supply the power that drives our leadership.
Consider what God expects from a "fasted life."
1. Liberate those who are oppressed (Isaiah 58:6)
2. Share resources with the needy (Isaiah 58:7)
3. Provide shelter for the homeless (Isaiah 58:7
4. Supply clothing to the naked (Isaiah 58:7)
5. Stop accusing and judging others (Isaiah 58:9)

This is what God says:
"Is this not the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness. To undo the heavy burdens. To let the oppressed go free. And that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that bring your house to the poor who are cast out.
When you see the naked that you cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh?
Then your light shall break forth like the morning.
Your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you. The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
You shall cry, and the Lord will say, 'Here I am'
Isaiah 58:6-9

In His Love

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Feel Every Moment

I'm literally sitting here laughing about everything that happened this year. At one point life seems perfect, I'm havin...